4,047 Umbreon Comments

  • Omg I can breath again! 8.9 years ago

    @SimpleTechAndResearch With the amount of people who are easily offended, it may as well be

  • Omg I can breath again! 8.9 years ago

    @SimpleTechAndResearch TRIGGERED

  • Omg I can breath again! 8.9 years ago

    @SimpleTechAndResearch Yeh

  • Omg I can breath again! 8.9 years ago

    @Glaceon @SimpleTechAndResearch Y'all are some weirdos. A good kind of weird, though

  • Omg I can breath again! 8.9 years ago

    @Glaceon Weird, it had been up the whole time you were gone

  • Omg I can breath again! 8.9 years ago

    Welcome back!

  • Screenshot Contest! 8.9 years ago

    @SUPERSAMROCK I don't mind at all!

  • Why is the site so slow? 8.9 years ago

    @Thefalloutplayr With how fast I move around on the site, no. I tend to read very fast and I like to keep moving around the site so I can see when I get a notification.

  • Screenshot Contest! 8.9 years ago

    I've got 2-3 photos of planes INCHES before impact, but I don't know how to link them on my phone. I'll try and import them to my laptop and do it from there

  • Crimson Skies Focke-Wulf FW-206 8.9 years ago

    @Flakmagnet Thanks, I wasn't really trying to go for simple, I just wanted it to be as close to the real thing as possible

  • How!!??!!!!!! 8.9 years ago

    @SalemASaberhagen Have you made a gravatar account?

  • Alpine A.R.S.E 8.9 years ago

    @Ravenblack Indeed, they are. Also, good job on the creation. It looks good

  • Crimson Skies Focke-Wulf FW-206 8.9 years ago

    @Brields95 Actually, no I didn't. Thanks for the info!

  • Crimson Skies Focke-Wulf FW-206 8.9 years ago

    @Liquidfox No problem! I always love a good challenge!

  • Aircraft - 404 8.9 years ago

    Error 404 Aircraft Not Found

  • Dragonfly (Ornithopter) 8.9 years ago

    Nicely done, I especially like the way you made it look like a dragonfly.

  • Alpine A.R.S.E 8.9 years ago

    What was going through your mind when you chose the name for this? I'm sure you know what it means to most of the world

  • High speed multiprop racing plane. 8.9 years ago

    The fastest a prop can go is 740-780 mph depending on what angle you're flying in

  • What's your favorite time period? 8.9 years ago

    @MrMecha It's a matter of taste. You can't just say a 2016 Chevy Volt looks better than a 1970 Dodge Charger.

  • B-4 Coram 8.9 years ago

    @BaconAircrafts I never stated you didn't fly them, I merely suggested you should fly them for longer periods of time.

  • Am i uploading at the wrong times? 8.9 years ago

    @Dstroyer101 I didn't say they looked bad, just a bit generic. The ARK does look unique, but it wasn't detailed enough to catch the eye. Presentation plays a large part in the success of things. Why do you think click bait titles and thumbnails do so well?

  • What's your favorite time period? 8.9 years ago

    @Flightsonic If I don't sleep early, I'll wake up at around 12:00 - 1:00 PM the next day. That's around the time I get back from school.

  • army fighter 1 8.9 years ago

    Will it make me a sandwich?

  • What's your favorite time period? 8.9 years ago

    Now that I think about it, it probably wasn't a good idea to post this at 11:30 pm. If you leave a response, I may get to it within the next half hour to 45 minutes, but if I don't I'll get to it in 7-8 hours when I get up for school.

  • Desert on Mobile!!! 8.9 years ago

    Is that onomatopoeia for a sneeze?

  • B-4 Coram 8.9 years ago

    @BaconAircrafts Calm down with the upvoting, then. Spend a little more time actually flying the planes.

  • Asymmetrica 8.9 years ago

    Indeed it flies, but as any other non-symmetrical craft, it tends to pull to one side more than another

  • Am i uploading at the wrong times? 8.9 years ago

    So I took a look at your planes and, no offence, they're a bit generic. People see the designs and scroll past them because they know the plane will probably handle fine like every other one and they already know what it looks like from the preview picture. That leaves no real reason to download it. You need to either create iconic or unique looking planes that people would be interested in testing out for themselves.

  • SimplePlanes Gold members Steam group! 8.9 years ago

    @Mod Exactly 5,000 O.O

  • Would you be inretested in... 8.9 years ago

    @SirStevetheSalmon Like a true sir

  • Would you be inretested in... 8.9 years ago

    @SirStevetheSalmon Very anticlimactic response

  • AA helicopter rc vtol. 0.35 with a weapon 8.9 years ago

    I'm pretty sure adding a single gun doesn't constitute enough change to not be considered a copy.

  • Updates Suggestion 8.9 years ago

    You know, you can just use structural wings instead of normal ones. They're stronger and don't flutter around. You just have to add on a normal wing on the tip for the control surface because the structural ones don't support them.

  • Sneaky permalink addition 8.9 years ago

    @kikasshes I had to enlarge my phones screen to the maximum size just to tap on that little dot.

  • Airbus A-340 Military Airborne Refueling Station 8.9 years ago

    This somehow actually got more upvotes than the original...

  • boom1 8.9 years ago

    @Skua I'm about 99% sure this planes name isn't allowed

  • SP Boomerang 8.9 years ago


  • Palindrone 8.9 years ago

    I see what you did there. That's smart. I doubt many other people will get it, though

  • Who wants to challenge me? 8.9 years ago

    @TehDuck Sure, but let's wait and see if anyone else wants to join in

  • Who wants to challenge me? 8.9 years ago

    I'd challenge you, but I don't have XML modding, so yeah.

  • One tank height challenge (read description) 8.9 years ago

    I made it to exactly 142225 feet

  • green mothership!!!! 8.9 years ago

    Didn't even copy a good plane. No offence @Deceptirod

  • Steampunk Contraption of Flight 8.9 years ago

    The propeller doesn't do anything but slow you down past 780 mph which is supersonic, by the way.

  • The Little Piggy - Landing Challenge 8.9 years ago

    @Griffith O.O that's really close to a perfect 280!

  • Website "Remember Me" should be fixed 8.9 years ago

    @SimpleTechAndResearch It'll stay logged into the most recent one used

  • What's your jam? 8.9 years ago

    @Flightsonic Jamception

  • I'm new here, please help me 8.9 years ago

    Instead of pasting a link in its entirety, you can make a clickable link by writing [link] (URL) without the space. Useful for when you want to share something.

  • Landing Challenge 8.9 years ago

    @Griffith I forgot to tell you I uploaded mine

  • An old, unsettled challenge between Kevpilot and I 8.9 years ago

    @Wahoo12 what's the .(Parentheses(?)) all about?

  • What's your jam? 8.9 years ago

    @Frant24 That's awesome XD