300 UnspeakableScorpion Comments

  • Flag of The United States 4.8 years ago

    If you have the time, could you maybe consider doing individual state flags?

  • So i got bored...This aint good... 5.1 years ago

    @Aventadorcf18, ah gotcha. Used to happen to me

  • So i got bored...This aint good... 5.1 years ago

    @Aventadorcf18, Sorry lol didn't crash mine so didn't think it would crash y'all's

  • Wasp 5.1 years ago

    @Kittysmic, my version is cooler tho

  • USS Townsend (BBH-40) 5.2 years ago

    Nice! I can see the resemblance. You did good!

  • Double Artillery Cannon 5.2 years ago

    @Barrybee1234, activation groups 1-6, 1 for the first shell, 2 for the second, etc.

  • The amazing pinnapple 5.7 years ago


  • Tacocat 5.7 years ago

    Tacocat spelled backwards is tacocaT

  • B-25 (turpido) 5.7 years ago

    Torpedo...... You spelled it wrong. Don't mean to pick on you, but I feel that I should just inform you. Nice plane by the way!👌

  • Floating Monowheel 5.1 years ago

    Ok but seriously bud, pack your bags, take a hike, and truly go over successor crafts before you remove them. As I said earlier, have a nice day, SEE YA.


  • Floating Monowheel 5.1 years ago

    I suggest testing my vehicle and the original one, and also just making some SIMPLE observations, then tell me that this vehicle is too similar, when infact, it most definitely is not.

  • Floating Monowheel 5.1 years ago

    If you have to remove my post, you'd have to remove the other successor too.

  • Floating Monowheel 5.1 years ago

    @EternalDarkness, I gave it the ability to steer, as did other predecessors, increased the HP to 600, and painted it. And if that ain't enough to be able to post it, then what is? Also, who made you an admin?

  • So i got bored...This aint good... 5.1 years ago

    Boss music only plays in the presence of a boss 😎

  • Floating Monowheel 5.1 years ago

    @EternalDarkness, the rules clearly state "It is okay to download someone else's airplane, make some tweaks, and re-upload a new variation.
    In fact, the original designer may even receive bonus points.
    However, if your variation does not offer any improvements over the existing airplane, then it may be removed."
    I actually did tweak the wheel, and you would know that if you tried the original version and then tried my version, which I would assume you did not

  • Floating Monowheel 5.1 years ago

    @EternalDarkness, you do understand there is autocredit, right? Also, Jundroo literally stole planes from multiple people, added a few weapons, and posted them, along with putting them in Simple Planes. And many others do the same thing with other people's creations. So unless you're gonna go through the site and remove the off-brands of everyone else's original peices, don't just come over to me and ridicule me for basing my Floating Monowheel off of Hobbitfrog's wheel that float. Now, with all due respect, would you kindly screw off.
    Thank you and have a nice day

  • Johnheld AFA-177 Scorpion Amphibious Heavy Artillery 5.2 years ago

    @Charris969 which one?

  • wheeel that float 5.2 years ago

    Ha I put da hp to 600

  • wheeel that float 5.2 years ago

    How do you turn it tno?

  • Johnheld AFA-177 Scorpion Amphibious Heavy Artillery 5.2 years ago

    It's a big bun on a vehicle. Also know as a bunch of junk

  • FW-51 Sandmann 5.2 years ago

    What is the plane your shooting at

  • Columbiair XB-22 Marauder 5.2 years ago

    Oh ok. Still, cool plane

  • USS Townsend (BBH-40) 5.2 years ago

    Did you base it off any particular ship

  • USS Townsend (BBH-40) 5.2 years ago

    Nice ship

  • Formation Gyro 5.2 years ago

    I can't take off without half of em blowing up for no reason

  • Columbiair XB-22 Marauder 5.2 years ago

    I'm sorry if that sounded mean, I did not intend to, just a question.

  • Columbiair XB-22 Marauder 5.2 years ago

    Nice plane. I like the bomb bay. Did you have it off the real marauder and change the name?

  • SH-12 A3 5.7 years ago

    This plane is truly amazing! I love the missile bombs, they are extraordinary! Did you have it off of the Thunderbolt?

  • Sweet home alabama 5.7 years ago

    @JDog3106 I would blast this song into my ears on the bus in the morning. Woke me up

  • Tacocat 5.7 years ago

    I was just about to type that...

  • Hover Drone 5.7 years ago

    Please Comment! :)

  • Kenworth W900L Flat Top 5.8 years ago

    @WalrusAircraft, your truck building skills are great! Say, you up for a challenge?....

  • that's gotta be the best pilot i've ever seen[TEST VIDEO + MEME] 5.8 years ago

    @CruzerBlade can you tell me where I can get that tank and a link/ URL. Thx. :)

  • WMB-156 6.0 years ago

    Please comment on anything including other planes i have made.It would help a lot of i could get some community feedback so I know what to fix and how to improve