How does my X-r handle this with no LAgon high with like 4 other planes spawned??
You can go on his profile And download @Masonaviation
Seriously not mobile friendly.It’s should be ok on Xr and above on high graphics if your not on low power mode.
Oops wrong version
Please can u make a 3000or lower version for my phone(the highest my phone can handle is that)lol
How does my X-r handle this with no LAgon high with like 4 other planes spawned??
+3You can go on his profile And download @Masonaviation
Seriously not mobile friendly.It’s should be ok on Xr and above on high graphics if your not on low power mode.
Oops wrong version
Please can u make a 3000or lower version for my phone(the highest my phone can handle is that)lol