My idea is to make MR in SimplePlanes, not only the upcoming VR version
for reference: Green Screen VR
But, I choose to install a real web camera on to my HTC VIVE goggle, looking forward, to view the motion and operation of real Saitek joystick with my hands, make the green background transparent, so that rendering my hands in SimplePlanes U3D graphics, above any virtual cockpit modeling.
Is it possible?
roll controlled by the mouse by default, but yaw be controlled by q and e key of the keyboard, so, the turning of the motor is not smoothly without a joystick
He is right, I have been deleted one model for this reason here for its first thumbnail from snapshot of a movie, so I put the snapshot from weaphone game in the second thumbnail of this model, but it is not the best practice still, We should obey rules all, I think, next time, I will use snapshot of simpleplanes for thumbnail, and upload other photos of the background knowledge in the description markdown page, that will be okey, right?
It's about guns and prohibited strictly in some countries in the world, such as China, so I set it to age-restricted, but I like guns! I am older than 18
There should be working instruments on the two little planes, and the camera in the plane cockpit should be set to locking on the orientation of the cockpit of the zeppelin, to help me find it
Could I land on to the Imperial Star Destroyer?
Could I land on to the death star?
But, it should not attack me when I start on the runway!
me too
the link for the model?
Hello, here is my work
No brake system for rotary in SimplePlanes, so, the wings keeps rotating when I cut down the throttle of it.......
so, when will the next update come true?
I wanna model a WC with "MAN" and "WOMAN" label
CJK supported?
RCtrl the right ctrl key? not function!
I wanna play SimplePlanes VR like this!
and here
Unity - Green Screen VR Capture
and here
Augmented Reality VR-Engage Air Demo June 2018
Some interesting ideas:
Internal Front-Facing camera uses for HTC Vive
My idea is to make MR in SimplePlanes, not only the upcoming VR version
for reference:
Green Screen VR
But, I choose to install a real web camera on to my HTC VIVE goggle, looking forward, to view the motion and operation of real Saitek joystick with my hands, make the green background transparent, so that rendering my hands in SimplePlanes U3D graphics, above any virtual cockpit modeling.
Is it possible?
R u sure?
Also, VR in SimpleRocket 2 is a great idea, imagine that you floating in the universe space and watching galaxy in all directions!
I mean to build a plane in VR mode, not to fly in VR mode
Do SimplePlanes support VR?
I downloaded it, but do not know how to operate her to give such a pose.........
where to download this?
How to lean on a car just like the snapshots?
what is the vtol operation?
the frame6 link has been deleted!
It could be used to stabilize a helicopter model hovering at a fixed point, I think
I just want to see the PID code............
Where is the PID funky tree code written in?
it will sink into the sea......
Little Bugger from J11 X
the high heel model here
roll controlled by the mouse by default, but yaw be controlled by q and e key of the keyboard, so, the turning of the motor is not smoothly without a joystick
I make an accessor of your model
violin functional V 0.2.1
model here
violin functional V 0.2.1
The rattle snake of maywar island, still can't be completed with this car......
你选的图床稳定么?我用的Deviant Art太不稳定了
There should be the fourth camera attached to the seat, set to orbit, to let me view the seat ejected and falling from the sky
How to make the wheel halo?
So, I give up my deviantart page, its site a lot of bugs, I can not upload any snapshots to it, I will go to patreon too
He is right, I have been deleted one model for this reason here for its first thumbnail from snapshot of a movie, so I put the snapshot from weaphone game in the second thumbnail of this model, but it is not the best practice still, We should obey rules all, I think, next time, I will use snapshot of simpleplanes for thumbnail, and upload other photos of the background knowledge in the description markdown page, that will be okey, right?
It's about guns and prohibited strictly in some countries in the world, such as China, so I set it to age-restricted, but I like guns! I am older than 18
the model here:
The border of the screen is too wide, I want to use multiple screens to make a Cave but the borders ,,,,,,
So, Where to use the curved screen? I don't know
track ir is this
There should be working instruments on the two little planes, and the camera in the plane cockpit should be set to locking on the orientation of the cockpit of the zeppelin, to help me find it
Anyone here succeeded in come back? youtube here?
If it's not fictional, I will buy it in the real life!
The terrain, where is the terrain mod link?