10.3k Valkyrie

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joined 8.9 years ago

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S.T.E.A.L.T.H Project

Hey Guys my name Valkyrie
Im a fine Player as everyone

From now on im workin on S.T.E.A.L.T.H Project and S.T.E.A.L.T.H Corporation (S.T.E.A.L.T.H Corp.)

Im not like before.......
Now im liking building Aircraft
But i still working on Turret,Weapon, and Vehicle

If there something that makes you feel unhappy about me.....try to talk it with me and ill try to fix it...


Story of The Begining of S.T.E.A.L.T.H Project:
Our military trying to make a new battle ship. This ship project is trying to make a new Vessel that possible to seek on enemy base without getting detected, equiped with cloak that make the Vessel invisible and try to make it possible to evade from Missiles, cause of it's speed that can reach 1000 mp/h and it's very light manuverbility make it's very easy to make the enemies cannot chase them. But it still can be hitted by guns....because, even it invisible it still can be hitted.......and if the enemy have a Heat Detector, it can be possible to detect the Stealth ship....and it still many improvement about it, and we'll try to Upgrade and Improve the ship Ability more and more. S.T.E.A.L.T.H is only for Battle Ship and Attacker Ship....another than it will be normal vehicle.

And there a simple word for you:
Make anything that you think the best....even it difficult.....the thing you should remember is....Try....try...and try until you can.....because only you that can make it the best or the worst.

That all about me
and if there any question, just tag me on some post....im sure can answer it.

And if you need any help of me just...ask me...im sure i can help.

The Last: