1,082 VargasSoldierT Comments

  • SPVR - Wasp 3.6 years ago

    it will be amazing if they put wing condensation effects

  • Eurofighter Typhoon EF-2000 3.5 years ago

    The construction is very good, I would like to have the patience to do something yes, it would be even better if the weight and amount of fuel were realistic, as well as the acceleration and maneuverability of the aircraft, this is something I would definitely do with a lot of patience. The plane is very unstable and light

  • FLIGHT COMPUTER (Altitude, Heading, Speed) 25 days ago

    @griges Answering the question, I'm not, I just know a little bit of basic programming. Basically this FC works as follows. The main variables that are ready are setALT, setHDG, and setSPD. To use them without making any changes, simply manipulate these three variables to your advantage. For example, let's say that your surface controller has an autopilot system that receives altitude and heading values, and engine speed. For example, to set an altitude of 10,000 feet, you can simply use the setALT variable so that the player selects it on the flight computer and the surface controller translates it. It may be a little complex for beginners, but considering a common automatic flight system present in most airplanes, it works similarly. In the video tutorial I teach how to create other variables besides the 3. It may be a little difficult to understand, but basically just follow the steps and it will work. If you want to put it in another project, you can try copying the variables using Notepad (or if it's Android, ES FILE EXPLORER). Just open the aircraft file and select it, then create a subfolder. library with the computer model (buttons and other items), or create the project based on this build, anyway I can try to create a video, but it's a little difficult to explain, if you have any more questions, I'll try to answer.But finally, I recommend that you copy through external programs, as mentioned before, for your desired project, it is easier.

  • F/A-18C Hornet Engine Start - Teaser 25 days ago

    @griges That's right, just pictures!

  • Autonomous Autopilot Flight FT one month ago

    @Rb2h lol it's crazy hahaha

  • SimplePlanes Cinematic 2 months ago

    Aircraft/mod links in video description!

  • [FINAL TEASER] F-22 -Believer- 3.5 years ago

    @GuyFolk Is it possible to do Flat Spin / Pedal Turn with this model?

  • Downloading Crafts in SPVR 3.6 years ago

    The map is very small and monotonous, besides the VR experience what are you going to add?

  • F-18C Automatic Carrier Landing (ACLS) - Teaser 4 days ago

    Sorry for the noise, something was wrong!

  • Funky Trees! 7 days ago

    @TateNT34 probably some parentheses out of place, if you can send the code, I can help

  • Funky Trees! 8 days ago

    @LitoMikeM1 yes, using a variable for example, name Increment = Activate4?clamp(smooth(increment+0.01,0.01),0,1):
    clamp(smooth(increment-0.01, 0.01),0,1) smooth, keeps the increment rate at 0.01, and clamp, to keep it between 0 and 1

  • FLIGHT COMPUTER (Altitude, Heading, Speed) 2 months ago

    @llDeadboyll I didn't understand, which string type input variable?

  • FLIGHT COMPUTER (Altitude, Heading, Speed) 2 months ago

    @PlaneFlightX Thanks brother, it's very simple but it works, right hehe

  • FLIGHT COMPUTER (Altitude, Heading, Speed) 2 months ago

    @xhevfeSP Yes its works! To know more take a look at the description!

  • Smoke Trails 2 2 months ago

    I don't understand why it's not possible to put decimal values ​​in the settings, this would make it possible to make those condensation trails coming from the aircraft's lerx, when exposed to attack angles, but without this it's not possible, what a shame!

  • Northrop F-5E-3 Tiger II Aggressor 'PAK FA' 2 months ago

    This is one of the most impressive, DCS on simple planes

  • SAAB F-39E Gripen NG 2 months ago

    Muito bom mano, tem discord?

  • Embraer EMB-314 Super Tucano UPDATED 2 months ago


  • SimplePlanes VR is now available on Steam and Oculus Quest 3.3 years ago

    the only change is the VR, it's cool but then you drop out of the game quickly because you simply have nothing to do, whereas with normal Simple Planes you spend most of your time building, the planes AI in dogfight are horrible so it's completely uninteresting that too. Anyway, the VR experience is interesting, it's a shame there isn't much to do

  • [FINAL TEASER] F-22 -Believer- 3.5 years ago

    @Highbraker Stop raving, the F-22 has no Roll system on TVC

  • SPVR Update - Labels 3.6 years ago

    Please say the engine nozzles will be fixed, is it really that hard to do this? Because there have already been several updates and nothing, as a result there is an exponential increase in parts to create realistic exhaust nozzles