I am really impressed with your posts, and your new MJ Smooth Criminal, Good luck! Also I’m back and recovered. Still a bit tired though, and I wasn’t charged for anything. Best of luck to all! @realSavageMan
@CDRxavier This was when the Game was very early, Obviously there had been some improvements, Also how are you going to complain about it? It's like taking the first iPhone and saying it doesn't run well as a iPhone 13 Pro Max. Can you even Hear yourself?
I am really impressed with your posts, and your new MJ Smooth Criminal, Good luck! Also I’m back and recovered. Still a bit tired though, and I wasn’t charged for anything. Best of luck to all! @realSavageMan
@RiceBean No, -7 or -9 Degrees, but I see, I'm saying don't expect a Russian Tank to have good depression
Ah, I see. Has it been fun or good to you? @V
Could I ask you the purpose of a ‘curator’ is it like a mod with less privileges? @V
Sorry about my comment it was from my nephew, I let him use my account for 2-3 weeks. @Hedero
He said I crashed when he ran a red light, I lost 3,000$ in court @V
Do you now a "Luka Magnotta"?
@Uchanka I'm Just Kidding, Idiot
Good job on getting 69.6k Points :)
Ratatouille Characters?
@CDRxavier This was when the Game was very early, Obviously there had been some improvements, Also how are you going to complain about it? It's like taking the first iPhone and saying it doesn't run well as a iPhone 13 Pro Max. Can you even Hear yourself?
@Zeezar2666 Finally changed that Avatar haven't you?
@Bobyo Django?
Emile? @Bobyo
q r s t u v w x @Tookan
@Hedero What do you mean by that?
What Is your Weight, Height, Ethnicity, Nationality, Identity, and Gender.
Wanna go to the Park Sweetie? 💯
Wait what happened to your creations?
This is a Soviet WW2 Heavy Tank. @RiceBean
Colour @HaunebuII
Nice Job with 66.6k!
Oh, sorry I’ve never been there, but still…. It Definitely would be annoying! @asteroidbook345
@FeatherWing Did you know that for protection Fish climb inside the Sea Cucumber's anus?
@FeatherWing You heard what I said I typed it right there.
Bro it’s so funny keep it. Sorry about earlier.
Hey, wanna go to the park tomorrow? At 13:20 ok?
Yo how is it racist. You’re DUMB dumb.
@JediWolf He should still say so.
WOW. Down TREMENDOUS https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E2R43BiXoAUCmQU.jpg
Funny how one person could ruin a website #modsarebetas
Do you use XLM Modding?
@HelloThisIsVSauce K
@HelloThisIsVSauce I certainly did!
This didn't break my game, but have an upvote instead!
@Tookan Dang it.
You’re back?! @Johndfg
Live feeding video?
Okay sorry I was just thought it was political I Apologize @Shortnessmcgee
@Shortnessmcgee Why would you post this if you knew it was political though?
@Shortnessmcgee If you don't think it is, then tell me. how. how is it not political.
@Shortnessmcgee Yeah, so?
@Foxxo nvm you can't be helped by The Toad
@Foxxo meaning that you can fix that problem
@JustNormalPerson Du bist dumm, es war ein Witz, der sarkastisch gemeint war
@Shortnessmcgee that wasn't even the point, also ever heard of Die Suchleiste
@Shortnessmcgee Pretty sure this is political
@Tenashii I get it now
@KnightOfRen I’m Racist
I hate racing