So we hating people for disliking planes now?, Last time I checked all of you ain't even have any problem with ElvivKauam, Why you suddenly hate on him know? @klm747klm747 @Panzerwaifu69 @BreadLord77 @IceCraftGaming @TheCommentaryGuy @beenz @OrdinaryTankBuilder @Anastvats @Dathcha @Bobyo @5647367267 @ollielebananiaCFSP
@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 I have a suggestion, I would like to see an outfit, one that is fitting this era, like dresses or Mavi Skirts, I love your work and your planes bring me joy!
@Apollo018362 yes, I assure you, the one that I token down was in my downloaded for some years, i am sorry that i didn’t read the rules and apologize, I never meant to take GuyFolks creation as my own. Simply a mishap, this one is made of my real work
@BashiriShippers @SimpleStudent @Goattv5 What are y'all mad about? I simply hate that this website is slowly turning into Tumblr, ESPECIALLY the "turning logos/companies into anime children". Now, I know that you disagree with me, but please refrain from insulting, "becuz its hurts my fweeling!!!11!!!"
Okay, but why delete? I gave helpful tips including trusting the community, I get it, My first comment was harsh, but I gave help to him, please add back my second and third statement. @MrSilverWolf
bruh really left 💀💀💀💀
+6Upvote me ( simpleplanes this is a joke pls dont ban me)
+5Somebody please make a Yemen map, I want to drone strike villages just like obama
+5Bro I don’t think turning a logo into a schoolgirl is what the creator meant by “SimplePlanes”
+4Yo it’s EDP445
+4@stevemc01 blud got his reboot card and the first thing he does is make a weaponized roomba battleship whilst on that Beruvian Snow
+3Bruh there's a 787 near it
+3My Grandfather flew one of these!
+3JoJO stand so you
+3One of the most undeserved upvotes I ever seen, at least the German Corsair was for giggles💀💀💀
+2I love nazis, the planes are cool
+2Merry Christmas!
+2So we hating people for disliking planes now?, Last time I checked all of you ain't even have any problem with ElvivKauam, Why you suddenly hate on him know? @klm747klm747 @Panzerwaifu69 @BreadLord77 @IceCraftGaming @TheCommentaryGuy @beenz @OrdinaryTankBuilder @Anastvats @Dathcha @Bobyo @5647367267 @ollielebananiaCFSP
+2POV: you the creator
Love the Passion! Keep it going will ya!
+2Santa driving a panzer be like:
Well i hope you've been good this year children cause the Pearson's house just got wrecked,
+2kill me now.....
+2@BRRRT Thank you @BRRRT
+2@BRRRT That was good joke
+2@LegendaryPilot yeah buddy stay silent
+1ITS SO GIRTHY lmaooooo
+1I love fisting my opponents! <3
+1@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 Don't thank me! your the one putting in the effort! <3
+1@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 I have a suggestion, I would like to see an outfit, one that is fitting this era, like dresses or Mavi Skirts, I love your work and your planes bring me joy!
Love, Vegetto
+1This reminds me of Jessie from toy story!!!!
♥(。U ω U。)
+1@WritersCrusadersAirCo2 I would love to see that!
+1@LunarEclipseSP That's actually the plane in my photo library as a cross reference!! You have a keen eye :)
+1@Apollo018362 yes, I assure you, the one that I token down was in my downloaded for some years, i am sorry that i didn’t read the rules and apologize, I never meant to take GuyFolks creation as my own. Simply a mishap, this one is made of my real work
+1WE STEALING THE MOON WITH THIS ONE🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🗣️🔥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+1yoo this shit good
+1You thought it was Grandpa…
But it was I! Toad!
+1@Zero0Two2 don't worry about it, take a chill pill, they grow on trees around here.
+1It blows my mind how plane and simple this is, surely it will not go over anyones heads!
+1Mods... Hit the second tower
+1@BashiriShippers @SimpleStudent @Goattv5 What are y'all mad about? I simply hate that this website is slowly turning into Tumblr, ESPECIALLY the "turning logos/companies into anime children". Now, I know that you disagree with me, but please refrain from insulting, "becuz its hurts my fweeling!!!11!!!"
+1Into the jar it goes…
+1Now draw her giving birth
+1@Alisuchanka All the artwork and OCs
+1Again people typing in foreign text, please type in English @girlsandpanzer
+1Okay, but why delete? I gave helpful tips including trusting the community, I get it, My first comment was harsh, but I gave help to him, please add back my second and third statement. @MrSilverWolf
+1THIS SHIT IS MAD FIRE📣📣📣🔊🔊❗️❗️❗️🗣🗣🗣
+1Nah man ahh hell nah bro out here defend V-Chicks 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀@1918
+1W Take @Spartan300
+1R.I.P Ababa Hassan
+1How old is her the age of consent in Japan😑🇯🇵 is 13yrs old ;)
+1Goofy ahh Uncle Productions
+1I understand the point you make, sorry for all of our SP Fanboy Rants. Best Wishes, @CDRxavier
+1But they sorry asses still gotta lose @asteroidbook345