I think most people prefer replicas, judging by votes. Even a half way decent replica can get more attention than a well thought out original. Not hating or anything, just stating my observation. I have nothing but respect and admiration for replica makers, but its just not for me.
I wanted sticks to move but they moved weirdly and I felt it didn't need to move anyhow with fly by wire, like the f-16. The collective does move BTW. @AeroEngineering
@Cjredwards I found its better sometimes to build the plane first normally with the blocks. Then build a cabin inside the fuselage block. My P6 would be an example.
You know the wright bros did more than fly, they developed and patented the controls of the plane. They knew many others would eventually get airborne but they would need their roll, pitch and yaw, to be practical.
My plane the V550 Isabel has a drag of 138, if you remove the landing gear. Which is fair seeing as yours has none. Just add like 200lbs to the nose to fly.
Well sir I have been bested. I have spent the past two weeks reworking my swashplate and building a copter. Yours is super smooth and fluid, no where near as complicated as mine. I just can't get over it, I really can't. No clue what I'll do now.
I don't have a computer with me atm, but tomorrow morning at work i'll make it right up.
Lol sure we can work together @Cedy117 @Exumer
@FIRESHOTER I thinks we are supposed to report bugs on the private Reddit
I hope you guys release a linux version in the future.
Old enough to remember Clinton, too young to remember Bush.
Cities Skylines
Arma 2 and mods
Civilizations V
Nova 3
Rarely I play:
Simcity 4
Rollercoaster tycoon 1&2
Zoo tycoon.
@AeroEngineering go ahead if you want.
Great job, this has turned out to be a very interesting set of builds. @AeroEngineering
That cockpit is very impressive, nicest on the site. My only complaint is I'd rather have Linux. ;) @AeroEngineering
@Wahoo12 I second the 911, especially the air-cooled models. Even the Porsche powered Mooney sounded good.
F104, UH1
I think most people prefer replicas, judging by votes. Even a half way decent replica can get more attention than a well thought out original. Not hating or anything, just stating my observation. I have nothing but respect and admiration for replica makers, but its just not for me.
You had it all along, before joshuaW. Miles better than my first working design from months ago. This deserved more attention than it got.
I wanted sticks to move but they moved weirdly and I felt it didn't need to move anyhow with fly by wire, like the f-16. The collective does move BTW. @AeroEngineering
@Exumer you can make weightless or weight reduction decals all ready. Just put in a negative value for fuel in the XML.
I don't believe you made this.
Awesome man!
Had time to play finally
@Cjredwards I found its better sometimes to build the plane first normally with the blocks. Then build a cabin inside the fuselage block. My P6 would be an example.
You know the wright bros did more than fly, they developed and patented the controls of the plane. They knew many others would eventually get airborne but they would need their roll, pitch and yaw, to be practical.
@AeroEngineering I have some ideas for that.
@AeroEngineering What do you think?
@Exumer those little jet nozzles might make good RATO pods for a b47 or c130.
That's not a glitch, people do it all the time.
@Planetinker, @ForzaFanlvl4 @Jaredis2 lets see if we can get to 0 drag points.
@JoshuaW thanks man!
Silent and agile. Very peaceful through the canyon's. And nice work with the interior.
@Jonathan1090 Verdnan was here.
@AeroEngineering yeah sometimes it bugs out, usually after a restart. Or when at speed, meant to say do not exceed 350mph.
@Searay real airplanes are hardly ever balanced like that to begin with.
@AeroEngineering its getting there. :)
It's down to the wire! :)
@Stingray Thanks, my early copters were mostly inspired by your helicopters. They were some of the fastest out there.
@ProKillaV12 Had to make the rotors bigger to create enough lift. I made them smaller with a higher rpm but it would glitch.
@Exumer Wow Fastest response i ever had.
Check this out @Planetinker @Jaredis2
My plane the V550 Isabel has a drag of 138, if you remove the landing gear. Which is fair seeing as yours has none. Just add like 200lbs to the nose to fly.
@AeroEngineering might need to lower the nose a little. Still experimenting with some ideas.
Your wings needs to pitch and pull the craft forward through the air. Birds flap to make thrust.
My design that I'm posting for laughs
@joshuaW Thank-you for advancing helicopter design.
I don't get it.
@Garuda1 I found a light shadow, dark shadow, white shadow, shadow fighter, SDW-36018 SHADOW. Within a few months.
@Garuda1 what was in the description because it might help?
@JoshuaW can I use your plate with my rotor system?
Well sir I have been bested. I have spent the past two weeks reworking my swashplate and building a copter. Yours is super smooth and fluid, no where near as complicated as mine. I just can't get over it, I really can't. No clue what I'll do now.
@AeroEngineering I'll get started on it after class hopefully.