171 VertigoVortex Comments

  • Communist Pingu helps the war effort 6.6 years ago

    Lenin and Stalingrad shall be renamed to Pingugrad

  • I can't upload my plane 6.8 years ago

    Well, i gotta say thank you to all of you for trying to help, you guys really gave a positive perspective of the community to me, so thanks, guys. @CruzerBlade @PorkyClown3 @CoolPeach @plane91827365 and @Jetpackturtle

  • Is there a way to make a hinge rotator that can rotate at 360° or free spin? 6.6 years ago

    Yeah, and im a guy, btw. @randomusername

  • HELP NEEDED 6.6 years ago

    Try using the fuselage blocks it'll reduce the part count a lot and will give you more freedom when it comes the the shape of your plane, and try to make a more realistic wing shape for your main wings, your vertical sabilizer could also use a better shape, i recommend adding a smaller structural wing below to give it a curve; a better engine placement would also help, maybe between the wings would look cool.

  • Carrier Lander - no Chute! 6.6 years ago

    Kinda reminds me of the B-2 yawing system

  • Halp meh 6.7 years ago

    Thank you komrad @communisticbanana

  • Halp meh 6.7 years ago

    I tried my best to not sound entitled so if i failed at that, try to not think i think i need everything done for me

  • Handley Page Victor - Challenge 6.7 years ago

    Is it okay if my victor doesn't have bomb-bay doors (or a bomb-bay at all)? Im just tired of making bomb bays (ive tried making bombers a lot) so i'd like to take a little break from them. Thanks in advance.

  • H-31 B 6.7 years ago

    Thanks for the upvote @LostNight

  • LandingGear Hinge 6.8 years ago

    Sorry, i already got it, thanks for trying to help @chancey21

  • LandingGear Hinge 6.8 years ago

    Oh man, I just realized i got bamboozled

  • Airbus A380-861 6.8 years ago

    Yeah, sure, thanks @DerekSP

  • Airbus A380-861 6.8 years ago

    Oh, thanks, greatly appreciated @DerekSP

  • LandingGear Hinge 6.8 years ago

    It just takes me to the search engine @Gestour

  • Indy hper sport show version 6.8 years ago

    I personally recommend having the engine on throttle and the thusters on the VTOL slider, but that's just my opinion, great car tho

  • Vought-F4U Corsair 6.8 years ago

    Well, plane suggestions, or maybe just some tips @alexchub1

  • Vought-F4U Corsair 6.8 years ago

    Thanks, i love planes (not an expert on them tho) so when i saw the fuselage blocks i wanted to use them @IAmMyBoss

  • I can't upload my plane 6.8 years ago

    Ok, i'll try that @Jetpackturtle

  • I can't upload my plane 6.8 years ago

    Im on an Ipad mini 1st generation. And the plane has only 50 parts
    I can fly it with some settings in high but not upload it @CoolPeach

  • I can't upload my plane 6.8 years ago

    I did think of that, but i'd lose the plane if i deleted the app @CruzerBlade

  • I can't upload my plane 6.8 years ago

    No, i bought it from the AppStore @PorkyClown3