@ThePrototype maybe three weeks?I forgotΣ(|||▽||| )
@Tazziedevil04 It's my first time tget such a high score. Really scared me lol.
@Sarpanitu I just interested in aeronautics.
@Tazziedevil04 Murder?(lol)
@Tazziedevil04 eh...so I just committed a crime? XD
@BDSGJ 没关系哦,请用(๑><๑)
@Ambarveis | ू•ૅω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ
@datrandomguy No,surely. Same with the real control habit.
@AdrianFlyingAce yeah,if you only use elevator and aileron,that's two(of course it's enough for flight control)
@ShatSlanger thank U! I'll keep working on this kind of planes.
@Avro683Lancaster That's scary.Σ(っ °Д °;)っ
@LatteCoffee55 We need skills to takeoff and land her.Also,she can perform a level flight with vtol full up,all controls are easy to do with that.
@Treadmill103 THX~
That was fun.
@aFFG2 (//∇//)\是吗。。
thank you! @Treadmill103
@ThePrototype maybe three weeks?I forgotΣ(|||▽||| )
@Tazziedevil04 It's my first time tget such a high score. Really scared me lol.
@Sarpanitu I just interested in aeronautics.
@Tazziedevil04 Murder?(lol)
@Tazziedevil04 eh...so I just committed a crime? XD
@BDSGJ 没关系哦,请用(๑><๑)
@Ambarveis | ू•ૅω•́)ᵎᵎᵎ
@datrandomguy No,surely. Same with the real control habit.
@AdrianFlyingAce yeah,if you only use elevator and aileron,that's two(of course it's enough for flight control)
@ShatSlanger thank U! I'll keep working on this kind of planes.
@Avro683Lancaster That's scary.Σ(っ °Д °;)っ
@LatteCoffee55 We need skills to takeoff and land her.Also,she can perform a level flight with vtol full up,all
controls are easy to do with that.
@Treadmill103 THX~
That was fun.
@aFFG2 (//∇//)\是吗。。
thank you! @Treadmill103