@Mijmaj Backread & you phrased it like a question but didn't use a question mark. I Simply let you know as a friendly tip that rockets don't arc when ignited.
You don't need to be super salty bout it my dude . Saw you being rude towards others aswell so stop that or I will have Cedy attend.
@Unreliablewaffle365 909, Not to bad imo.
Most impressive lad!
@SpiritusRaptor @Johnnyboy9 Thanks lads!
@Spikerya @Dimkal Thanks alot mates! Glad you like it.
@LatteCoffee55 Np kek
@F4f879 Thanks!
@Dllama4 Or actually just, it's not finished so when you get SP back i can show you a finished version.
@Dllama4 Ah man that sucks, Better luck next time on tests & tbh strict parents :I And yes i can.
@Dllama4 Check discord PM's btw. Started your engine.
@phanps Danke
@grizzlitn Thanks!
@Dllama4 Yeah i saw @Weaverfish do that. Looked amazing.
@Dllama4 no plis... i will give u money
@Dllama4 I use hax
@Oski Yeah going to make an IL-2 at some point.
@kerothehero F22 engine is the Pratt & Whitney F119 Turbofan & i really don't have time for it, promised Dllama i'd make him an engine.
I'd tap
A Repainted copy...
Simple but oh so beautiful.
@Tully2001 Cool story bro.
Not sure how my engines are related to some Jelly stuff.
@Tessemi I Don't just make engines for everybody... These takes a few hours to make & i really don't have that sort of time.
@Dllama4 Yeah NP. Haven't started yet so it's fine.
@EternalDarkness Haha :P
You can still class it as the first CF gun ever since i didn't upload mine.
@Dllama4 Yeah, sounds like plenty of time.
@Mijmaj Whatever floats your boat Mijmaj.
@Mijmaj Backread & you phrased it like a question but didn't use a question mark. I Simply let you know as a friendly tip that rockets don't arc when ignited.
You don't need to be super salty bout it my dude . Saw you being rude towards others aswell so stop that or I will have Cedy attend.
@Mijmaj Okay..
Not that i care.
@Mijmaj You did, I Keept saying rockets don't arc when ignited lol.
Thats what i keept saying while you rambled on & on.
@Mijmaj I Know you never said rockets arc... But i said that they don't arc when ignited & you went 100% drama mode.
@Mijmaj Lol, You're the arse starting drama because i gave you a friendly tip that rockets don't arc... You need some anger management mate.
@SAC923 Sorry, Hes a penis. Not an illegal word if i'm correct.
@CRJ900Pilot Nope.
@Tully2001 Johndfg?
@Dllama4 Uhm ja. Not now though.
@Texasfam04 No Problem.
@Sauce Well i own you, That means i own your past, Current & future projects.
Looks amazing my dude.
@Mijmaj I Give up... you must be incredibly dumb.
@dimondengineer A Supercharger?... This isn't a standard piston engine.
Das ist gut.
@dimondengineer Could make a new one.
@Mijmaj "Attaching weight to the front" Then I told you that they don't arc while ignited. Sorry is that difficult for you to understand?
Oh and I couldn't care less how long you've played SimplePlanes :)
@dimondengineer So old & so bad.
@Mijmaj No, But i told you they don't.
Because I wanted to you to know that's.
Shame when someone feels offended because you told them something irrelevant.
@Mijmaj I Was letting you know rockets don't arc when ignited.
Can you not? I'll have to call upon a mod otherwise.
@Mijmaj Well you need to work on your "Jokes" then.
@Mijmaj When you gotta have the last word... Cut it mate.