@F104Deathtrap I Don't appreciate your tone, calling someone else a child & referring to yourself as an superior adult s incredibly rude, makes the person in question feel bad about themselves. Apologize & treat people with respect or i will call a mod to figure things out.
It's stupid, delete your account.
+2@Mod Whatever helps you sleep at night pleb.
+2@F104Deathtrap I Don't appreciate your tone, calling someone else a child & referring to yourself as an superior adult s incredibly rude, makes the person in question feel bad about themselves. Apologize & treat people with respect or i will call a mod to figure things out.
+2Well Deserved.
+2@pavthepilot That's rude, I can report you for that.
+2Got to love how all the who's "Managing" this new discord is people who have been banned from all other public servers, 10/10 try again.
+2You know what i think ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
+2@Blue0Bull @F104Deathtrap Thanks Bois.
+2@HistoricBirds Then download & Comment later when you do have time lmao.
+2Strongly approve of this.
+2@Kalanimcd It's a cold war era British jet bomber.
+2You should try make a realistic Karl Gerät.
+2I Must say i prefer these builds anytime over 1500 part ULTRA MEGA DETAIL that just is a pain to run.
+2@CRJ900Pilot Calm your tits mate, Because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad.
+2At least it's not a budget birthday cake & a cringy quote. Very nice T-35
+2@Dllama4 Logic in this game, 10 minute builds of Thomas the dank train gets 100, I Get 4.
+2Jihad Jeep c:
+2@AndrewsGarsion I check the site now & then. But i don't really build anything.
+1@Kylebh98 Yet here you are ;)
+1That is nuts man. Love it.
+1I like this.
+1@100 Further education, but yes.
+1@Brayden1981 Link the challenge, the person you tagged doesn't exist.
+1@DatRoadTrainGuy19 For me the fun part is building, i have no desire to upload anything.
+1@Bo1233 Yeah but you're not qiling on the couch, it's a pun.
+1@SpiritusRaptor Thanks mate!
+1@FeatherWing Nope, it's all in SP.
Though using Reshade, SP extra (for the lights) and an unlisted map by FairFireFlight.
+1@Walvis yeah.. even the inlet is on the bottom. Shameless copy.
+1@SyntheticL Okay, look...
I'm going to keep it as J-16, because i like how it looks. It isn't any specific variant, the power of making whatever you want.
+1@Seeras The ancient one!
+1Definitely a better pilot than me.
+1@CanadianAircraftBuilder False.
+1@Nerfaddict it's a video now :)
+1@TheDesignate Yes i used ReShade for the thumbnail.
+1@Walvis Paracopta Paracopta!
+1@Finnqzzzz I don't think that's quite fair, i enjoy using your cars.
+1Really cool car, interactive, looks great.
Only thing i missed was some sort of camera rig for the first person view.
+1It's justified, there isn't much to discuss.
+1@WolfHunter9111 No.
+1@MrShenanigansSP Yes, still working on that.
+1You make some really cool stuff.
+1That do be a noice S80
+1A challenger approaches.
+1@asteroidbook345 Step 1: Just go look at whatever Kennneth is doing.
+1@TRD It's a Skoda.
+1@DARZAVIATIONOFICIAL Accepted your FR, it should allow you send messages regardless though.