73.9k WahrscheinlichIch Comments

  • Vasa 6.2 years ago

    @temporaryaccount why?

  • Vasa 6.2 years ago

    @Dllama4 lol

  • Vasa 6.2 years ago

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck yeah but I wasn't playing lately (for obvious reasons) and before the beta was still top secret

  • Vasa 6.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii thats what happens, when ppl mess with things they know nothing about

  • Vasa 6.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii yeah, half way through construction the king decided that a second cannondeck would be needed (a new Polnish ship of similar size had just been built) but the hull didn't support it and so the CoM was too high and they couldn't add enough ballast to counter it without sinking the ship immediately through sheer weight

  • Vasa 6.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii thank you very much!

  • Vasa 6.2 years ago

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck why would I?

  • Vasa 6.2 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 Thank you!

  • Vasa 6.2 years ago

    @Destroyerz117 She is actually still extremely impressive to see. I visited her in september.

  • Vasa 6.2 years ago

    @Hawkeye156 es sind ja nicht nur die 3000 Teile, sondern auch, wie kompliziert sie verbaut sind...

  • Vasa 6.2 years ago

    @Hawkeye156 Das mach ich aber eher nicht nochmal. Du hast ja gar keine Ahnung...

  • JBoats J/30 6.2 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Thank you. worked out very nicely imo

  • JBoats J/30 6.2 years ago

    @MrSilverWolf thank you!

  • JBoats J/30 6.2 years ago


  • LEGO Set 8088 6.3 years ago

    @MTBCrafter das glaub ich gern. Ich find die einsteigenden leute mega witzig xD Keine ahnung, warum das so wenig gewürdigt wird...

  • LEGO Set 8088 6.3 years ago

    Ich sehe, du rüstest nach ;-)
    Ist aber nicht wirklich 1:1, es sei denn das originalmodell ist auch 11 Meter lang xD

  • D.H 423 by Devilsfish 6.3 years ago

    @Devilsfish eigentlich hatte Seeras ja auch vorgehabt, in der Richtung was zu bringen...

  • D.H 423 by Devilsfish 6.3 years ago

    @Devilsfish Naja, braucht auch etwas, um nach über 2 Jahren noch regelmäßig dasselbe zu zocken. Ich bin ja auch nicht mehr allzuhäufig dran...

  • Jurassic Park - Ford Explorer 6.5 years ago

    @PlanesArMyThing @Pookie sorry, but I won't. It's in my faq part on my profile...

  • Jurassic Park - Ford Explorer 6.5 years ago

    @ThePilotDude go ahead and use it!

  • Leopard 2a4 L/44 6.5 years ago

    that brings back memories...
    Great job!

  • The Windjammer 6.5 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries I am quite busy right now, but I will do what I can

  • Paradise Island 6.5 years ago

    @ThePilotDude I started on the jeep. Didn't finish it tho. I meant the SUV and the truck

  • M.Corp Airship Silver Star 6.5 years ago

    Very noice, just mind, that you called it Silver Star in the title but White Star in the decription ;)

  • Mod suggestions. 6.6 years ago

    @squideater56 obviously. How on earth would I be able to build like I do if I didn't?
    Thats not the point though. I want to change things in realtime and be able to make small adjustments quickly so I can compare them. Overload takes forever, you have to reload the pieces to see the differences and you have to calculate exactly what you need before you start.

  • Kruzenshtern 6.6 years ago

    @cantbelieve thanks

  • Kruzenshtern 6.6 years ago

    @Dllama4 I wanted to use that in the text but the site didn't support the fond. It just said "???????????".

  • Kruzenshtern 6.6 years ago

    @Roswell thanks

  • De Havilland Twin Hornet by Devilsfish 6.6 years ago

    @Devilsfish war Sarkasmus ^^

  • De Havilland Twin Hornet by Devilsfish 6.6 years ago

    Da fehlen mir noch ein Paar Waffen, ich glaub der ist unterarmiert xD

  • Amphitrite 6.7 years ago

    @Devilsfish btw wollten nicht sowohl Seeras als auch pooli noch in veränderter Form SP-Videos machen?

  • Amphitrite 6.7 years ago

    @Devilsfish Ich war lange bevor ich irgendwas von Pooli wusste aktiv und werde seine SP-Zeit auch noch um einiges überleben. mach aber grad Abi, weswegen mir die Zeit fehlt, regelmäßig zu bauen.

  • Amphitrite 6.8 years ago

    @TehDuck what kind of sails? In any case you should make them out of segments like I did here. Also you can use normal wings instead of structural so they can bend like these.

  • Amphitrite 6.8 years ago

    @KerlonceauxIndustries thanks!

  • Amphitrite 6.8 years ago

    @UmbyTheZombeonYT the parts that aren't English are irrelevant. It's just a funny poem I found in a book about the ship.

  • Amphitrite 6.8 years ago

    @TehDuck @Kevinairlines Thank you!

  • Amphitrite 6.8 years ago

    @PhantomBladeCorp scince sailing vessels do that, it' supposed to look cooler on the thumbnail.

  • Amphitrite 6.8 years ago

    @Othawne danke dir!

  • SotC- Cenobia 6.8 years ago

    Very nice! although the walking is just as wonky as on my colossus

  • Amphitrite 6.8 years ago

    @marcox43 Danke ^^

  • Amphitrite 6.8 years ago

    @destroyerP I thought it looked cooler on the images.

  • Amphitrite 6.8 years ago

    @BlazeInfinity I thought it might add to the looks on the photo...
    Also sailing vessels do that all the time.

  • Amphitrite 6.8 years ago

    @EternalDarkness technically not tons of competition but still thank you very much!

  • Amphitrite 6.8 years ago

    @Kentheman thanks

  • Amphitrite 6.8 years ago

    @ThePilotDude sure! Just make sure to give credit

  • Amphitrite 6.8 years ago

    @CaesiciusPlanes @Benderisgreta123 thanks!

  • Amphitrite 6.8 years ago

    @DuckMintnewprofile thank you!

  • Mod suggestions. 6.8 years ago

    Do you recon you could turn the waves from your ocean designer into a map plugin? I really want at least semi realistic water instead of that ridiculous textured plain...

  • Gaius - Shadow of the Colossus 6.8 years ago

    @laSoul looking forward to it! ;)

  • Gaius - Shadow of the Colossus 6.8 years ago

    @Cream thank you