45 Walkerbulldog Comments

  • HELP! [Solved] 4.2 years ago

    If I had to guess from looking at it, I would say that it is the fault of the high roll speed. It bends the wings and the fuselage around them and when it hits the weapons at sufficient speed they explode. So for that either don’t mount weapons on the wings or just make the ailerons smaller for a more controllable roll rate that doesn’t break the wings. As for the auto-rotation I am not entirely sure however I mirrored the airplane and the auto roll rate was reduced significantly. It was still present though which leads me to believe that it is something that is connected on the main line which isn’t really affected by mirroring the plane, or it could be a trapped part that isn’t connected to the plane but weighs it down. If you are unable to find the cause it would help to add some a small wing to the left side to give it more lift and to keep it from dropping. I know it isn’t a misbalanced weight issue because the airplane keeps rotating even when inverted making me suspect there might be a wing section with slightly higher lift factor.

  • simple thrust vectoring plane 4.4 years ago

    Cool idea!

  • Mini Bush Plane 5.2 years ago

    You just crashed my game

  • Strike fighter mk lll variation B 5.2 years ago

    Was this based off of a specific airplane?

  • Dragon 5.6 years ago

    Part count: exists
    Me: nice

  • Better Sea Plane 5.9 years ago

    No unfortunately I am quite new to the simple planes community. I have played for a good year or two offline before I realized/discovered this whole thing existed.@MTakach

  • Hawker Sea Fury 5.9 years ago

    This plane is amazing! It handles perfectly no matter what I fit it with, and it fit every role just as well: I used it to complete a good 2/3 of the training levels and almost all of the challenge levels. It is beautifully designed with good detail. It worked amazing as a dive-bomber when I strapped 6 boom 25 to it(2 middle and 2 per wing). A perfext example of its good handling is the fact that as bad as I am at flying, I can land this plane perfectly, good job making this plane I love it!