85.4k Walvis Comments

  • Ezel Mk3 Hybrid Gunship 7.4 years ago

    @Briangriffin111 Could you tell me what kind of tweaks you made? I would love to know!

  • Thunder of Stalin: Obj. 180-1 7.4 years ago

    @Shimakaze It worked! Thx!

  • Thunder of Stalin: Obj. 180-1 7.4 years ago

    I have a question about this build: how did you limit it's speed to 42(ish)mph? This is something I tried to do for my own APC platform, but I never managed to figure out how to limit it's topspeed.

  • Alsvider Class Scout Cruiser 7.5 years ago

    Amazing build! +Respect

  • Dc 3 7.8 years ago

    The wings are quite messed up. Try using the mirror tool to create semetric wings.