88.1k Walvis Comments

  • What if SimplePlanes added waves 3.0 years ago

    If they added waves, there would be waves.
    Thank you for attending my Ted Talk

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.7 years ago

    Variable-buoyancy. People already suggested a lighter than air part (for ballons, etc), why not make it variable? If we are able to set a range of mass / buoyancy we could also use these parts for submarines.

  • AIRLIFT CHALLENGE [CLOSED] 2.5 years ago

    There will be a stream / video / post at some point, it will just take me a while.
    I work 16 hours a week, and I study 40 hours a week. Please allow me some time.

  • Map update leaked 2.8 years ago

    @Aviator01 Okay Vinc denier

  • 1941_DE_Vehicles_Pack 2.8 years ago

    @JakeTheAviationTeen They. Did. Not. Remove. Mod. Support. For. IOS. And. Android.

    People keep complaining about this: Jundroo did not decide to remove app support from Android, Alphabet did. This is documented everywhere.

  • The Real Ghost of Kyiv 2.8 years ago

    @HorizonsTechnologies I am certain that out of all propaganda that exists, this singular post is by far the most effective.

  • C-27J Spartan 3.1 years ago

    Okay... So not only does this aircraft look amazing, it also somehow only has 692 parts!? I'm very impressed, absolute god tier creation.

    I may or may not steal some of the cockpit parts...

  • We're doing merch! 3.4 years ago

    I like this idea, but I can tell you right now that I would not buy a hoodie with the only the SimplePlanes logo. Please really do take the time to create some more creative graphics; perhaps even host a design contest?

  • Screen, made out of bullets 3.8 years ago

    If this was actually a picture of Rick Ashtley I bet it would have gotten 5x more updoots lol.

  • ~Wierd SP logic~ 4.0 years ago

    Ai planes will also try to TOUCHIE whenever you are just flying around. They are programmed to give hugs with a high kenetic energy.

  • The Real Ghost of Kyiv 2.8 years ago

    @HorizonsTechnologies I mean... It's the president of Ukraine in a painted barrel. If you think this is threatening propaganda than your country / state is in serious need of modernization lmfao

  • German Zero 3.0 years ago

    Task failed successfully; this is not German enough...

  • Box (Very Scary) 3.0 years ago

    @CharlesDeGaulle I sense that you may be suffering from what is known in the medical sector as a 'skill issue'. I wouldn't know tho, I'm not a medical professional of any kind.

  • In regard to the "Andrew" builds. 3.2 years ago

    Wannabe PewDiePie is back!

    Pls no ban

  • SPVR Update - Gauges 3.6 years ago

    From what I can see, (some) of these gauges will also be very usefull for ground vehicles. I believe a 'display' part that display the vision of a camera would be amazing, as from then on tank / apc cockpits can be a real thing too!

  • Small Feature Wish List for v1.11 Update 3.7 years ago

    The ability to tune what paramaters limit saved aircraft from randomly spawning in as an Ai aircraft. Being able to increase or decrease the amount of wing-parts allowed, for example.

  • I made a Rap About Andrew Garrison lol 2.0 years ago

    I found my next SP video outro song

  • chubby Blooper guppy 2.8 years ago

    He's so handsome!

  • SUS-21 (Very much WIP) 2.8 years ago

    @FerretAeronautics The LG honestly looks like it breaks its ankles in order to retract...

  • Just a normal submarine... 3.2 years ago

    @Tankistrus37 I combined Fortnite’s Slurp Juice and Minecraft’s speed potion…

  • SimplePlanes VR - Coming 2021 to Steam and Oculus Quest 3.7 years ago

    This looks cool. It does make me wonder though; will there be a 'anti-fuselage' part?

    At this time panelling is required to create realistic cockpits, which is massively time consuming. Will there ever be a part that makes a part of a fuselage block invisible / non-existent?

  • I'm back! 2.1 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Dad?

  • Remaster Challenge [CLOSED] 2.7 years ago

    @Grob0s0VBRa & @SemedianIndustries

    Making videos take time, energy, and a quit space for me to record. None of those things have been present in my life over the past four weeks. I've spent 9 hours a day in the lab of my uni, or at the bike shop I work at. When I wasn’t at work or uni, I couldn’t record anything anyway as I was living above a literal construction zone for some time. (My new landlord is greedy and decided to turn the room below me into two rooms so they can collect more rent money.)

    Today is the first day in a couple of months I have nothing planned; I finally have holidays.
    Things are in the works, they will come. Just give me time.
    Thank you for checking in, I do apricate it.

  • Now accepting moderator applications 2.8 years ago

    I think I would be a good fit to the moderation team as I can already only grow a neck beard anyway…

  • This game is infuriatingly janky and there's no tutorials on anything. 3.0 years ago

    Dear @BaconAircraft,

    After reading your carefully formulated reply, I would like to respond to your statement with the following:
    “Splish splash, your opinion is trash”

    With kind regards,

  • This game is infuriatingly janky and there's no tutorials on anything. 3.0 years ago

    FT's literally function as a programming language / calculus; you cannot just learn it through a tutorial or two, instead a whole selection of courses is required.

    Honestly I can't blame Jundroo for not creation an entire bachelor programme just to learn people how to make their aircraft have a custom starting sequence, lol.

    Idk, maybe my opinion is also just a bit twisted: to me the learning of new stuff is what I love most about SP.

    "Like, even for the very least we could separate this stuff into colours or something..."
    I think this is a good idea, kinda like some plugins for VS Code.

  • AF-55B 'Adelaide' LITE VERSION 3.1 years ago

    Really should have called it the 'LITE(er) VERSION'... Its still 868 parts lmao.

  • Amogus 3.1 years ago

    Your supposed to make the plane... Not the weapon.

  • M4A3 Sherman 3.2 years ago

    Since ya'll wanna argue about M4 variants... I decided to create a corrected version. You can find it here.

  • SPVR - Fuselage Slice 3.6 years ago


  • Easily 3D printable fighter jet 4.0 years ago

    @FairFireFlight My room is located in the attic, so I just took a picture holding the plane out of my window. I was not actually on the roof. :)

  • Ohio-class nuclear power submarine 7.0 years ago

    Amazing build! Could you tell me how I can make a submarine dive like this?

  • Stop. 2.1 years ago


  • Goodbye. 2.2 years ago

    I have read your farewell message.

  • F-15C Eagle 2.5 years ago

    Man... Since the cockpit update people have really been at it creating actual 1 on 1 replicas of real-life aircraft. This post right here is a prime example of such an exquisite replica, its almost so realistic that the real-life aircraft looks like a crappy 3D render.

    What an absolute masterpiece.

  • The Real Ghost of Kyiv 2.7 years ago

    @LikoSchool Uhm... Could you like atleast try to look at this post in context, as well as its comments? Clearly this is a joke, which should be very clear just by looking at the post and its comments. Nothing about this is anti-Ukraine and pro-Russian.

  • Stair Car 2.8 years ago

    This has shitpost energy and I am unable to explain why...

  • Default Cockpit Part But It's A (Weird) Car 2.9 years ago

    God tier sh@tpost

  • Explanation on why planes are so freaking difficult to make 2.9 years ago

    Ironically, SimplePlanes isn't so simple. A lot of the best creations uploaded to this website are made by people who have a ton of experience. Many, many hours are required to get to this level of building. If you check out some profiles of platinum users you’ll often see that the older the post, the less advanced the creation is; you can see their progression.

    Many things in SimplePlanes cannot just be explained in a single tutorial. In a sense, SP really is just like any other art.

  • Do you think our planet (Earth) is flat? 3.0 years ago

    I think Earth is, uhm... Fucked?

  • Slovakian Weapon of Mass Destruction 3.3 years ago

    Thanks... I hate it :D

  • S13C ARV I 3 months ago

    Cool build!

  • Some Things That I Want To Tell The Community. 2.0 years ago

    What is 'simpleplanes'?

  • Literally impossible to come up with a title. 2.1 years ago

    Dear Vincent,

    Nobody asked, but we are still glad you answered.
    Can you please make this post a sucessor to this post?
    Thank you in advance.

    Kind regards,

  • C A R G O W R O O M 2.7 years ago

    This isn't the beach, this is a bathtub?!

    Also can't wait to get run over by one of these with a chrome paintjob and $ wheels, only to be sent a message with the text '1-0 Lzzzzzzzzz'.

  • Remaster Challenge [CLOSED] 3.0 years ago

    @NakAk I am shocked at the audacity of this statement

  • Cybertruck (152mm Edition) 3.0 years ago

    @Almost It will be a while, though. I'm currently in exam week, and I also still want to release a War Thunder video first.

  • ANe-108 3.1 years ago

    Very cute plane, am in love

  • New Moderator 3.2 years ago

    @IanTV Bruh
