For my version I added a cockpit, a landing hook, 3x50mm cannons (10 shots per second), strobe lights, landing light, a night vision (cockpit view), re-fueling pipe, flares and wing that you can raise for the hanger of the USS Beast and more missiles.
Update 1.5 Add
Working Flaps On VTOL System Usign Gyroscope.
Here's how it work,
AG1- Lights on.
AG2 Activated- Raise the wing.
AG3- Drop fuel tanks and all wapons
(wait 1.5 seconds).
AG4- Night vision (cockpit view).
AG5 Activated- Re-fueling pipe out.
AG6- All wapons are ready.
AG7- Landing hook.
AG8 De-activated-shut the engine.
VTOL Down- Flaps down ONLY between 161/121 Knt, 186/139 Mph, 300/225 Km/h at 3-5% Thrust.
TRIM- Trim and Trim Up/Down + VTOL Down control the landing diving speed.
I hope you'll have a lot of fun with my version of the Mc Donnell Douglas CF-18A "CF-188" Hornet, a Multi-role fighter jet used by the RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) since 1982
Update of Monday D/M/Y 21/09/2020 AT 20:00.00h Montreal.Qc.Ca Hour
Tout le crédit va au créateur de la version original de l'avion que j'ai utiliser, Cedy 117, Voici le lien de l'original, sa version.
Pour ma version, j'ai rajouter un cockpit, un crochet d'aterissage, 3 cannons de 50mm (10 tirs par seconde), lumières de navigation, lumières d'attérissage, une vision nocturne (vue du cockpit), un tuyeaux de ravitallement, des leurres et des ailes repliable pour entrer dans le hangar du USS Beast et des missiles supplémentaires.
Rajout de la mise-à-jour 1.5,
- Volets fonctionel utilisant le Systeme VTOL et Gyroscopique.
Voici comment sa fonctionne,
AG1- Lumières de navigation.
AG2 Activer- Lève les ailes.
AG3- Larguer les réservoirs de kérosen et tout les armes
(attendre 1.5 secondes).
AG4- Vision nocturne (vue du cockpit).
AG5- Sort le tuyeaux de ravitaillement.
AG6- Tout les armes sont prêtes.
AG7- Crochet d'attérissage.
AG8 désactiver- Étein les moteurs.
VTOL Vers le bas- Volets SEULEMENT entre 161/121 Knt, 186/139 Mph, 300/225 Km/h a 3-5% de la poussee
TRIM-TRIM ou TRIM Haut/Bas+VTOL vers le bas controle la vitesse de decente pour l'aterissage.
J'espère que vous aurai du plaisir avec ma version du
AG1- Nav light on.
AG2- Drop cargo.
AG3- Open 2nd parachute.
AG5- Open the side door.
AG6- Open the ramp.
AG7- Drop fuel tank.
Air-to-GND- Flares.
Trim- Trim.
I apologize mate I didnt saw it as a compliment cause I don't like the wasp in the game, but, explained like that, Thank you verry much bud, I apreciate it a lot
@waylaymythz you know what?! If you are able I agree letting you do it, you seem more able than me, if you want to test the plane just remove the glass stand you'll only have the plane ready to fly, see what you can do with it and republish it and tag me, I'm following you😉 I will credit you for shure on the official release🤘 we can also discuss on Instagram if you want it would be a pleasure to talk with you mate!
@waylaymythz wow, that's a real game knowledge and math usage, thanks Bro, I shure will modified this, I'm also working on the weight but for the fuel capacity, I have no choice to set it Higher than the real one unless there is a fuel use parameter with the fine or XML parameter
hey mate! sorry for bothering you, I really need your help. I moddified the ''HARV Hornet'' F/A-18C that Lifewald built to make a canadian variant, it is a succes but I found a problem with the wing, yours are more accurate for the flaps (back section) and I would like you to modify it, I will publish it, you take them, work on them and re-publish it once done. I would be verry greateful for your help mate and sure will credit you on the plane. you can contact me on instagram at warwolf182. Thanks!
@ToeTips, @UssrLENIN, @Lifewald, @Bryan5, @rwampler28, @LunarEclipseSP, @DotMeQYT, @Owenluvsantonov225, @Randomplayer, @Ooflauncher, @0k, @LinusTouchTips, @L1nus, @JakeS, @WarHawk95 ;)FR, @asteroidbook345, @Mrplane123, @DOYOUMIND, @MrVaultech, @Ryad, @MRpingoin, @Suubk27, @CalebRepublic, @SovietBiscuit, @ACEPILOT109, @Brields95, @StockPlanesRemastered, @Nakak, @Freerider2142, @XBaTuT4MuHyT, @Aircat56, I can not forget you mate @Shnippy...almost forget you..., @Thorne, @Anastvats, @Nobodygood, @thefalkenreich, @Cedy117,mate, I WISH you still there. and HERE WE ARE, I tags every one who comment and upvote on my previous post since 3.5 years, If you see this, PLZ leave a comment and say HI I'm gonna answer y'all : )
@ToeTips, @UssrLENIN, @Lifewald, @Bryan5, @rwampler28, @LunarEclipseSP, @DotMeQYT, @Owenluvsantonov225, @Randomplayer, @Ooflauncher, @0k, @LinusTouchTips, @L1nus, @JakeS, @WarHawk95 ;)FR, @asteroidbook345, @Mrplane123, @DOYOUMIND, @MrVaultech, @Ryad, @MRpingoin, @Suubk27, @CalebRepublic, @SovietBiscuit, @ACEPILOT109, @Brields95, @StockPlanesRemastered, @Nakak, @Freerider2142, @XBaTuT4MuHyT, @Aircat56, I can not forget you mate @Shnippy...almost forget you..., @Thorne, @Anastvats, @Nobodygood, @thefalkenreich, @Cedy117,mate, I WISH you still there. and HERE WE ARE, I tags every one who comment and upvote on my previous post since 3.5 years, If you see this, PLZ leave a comment and say HI I'm gonna answer y'all : )
@UssrLENIN f*ing good news! I'm verry happy for you mate! Hope you'll still be able to fly it after the update...I'm actually working on it live, answering on my phone😆
@UssrLENIN yup, and with the BIG F*ing update comming will be no longer phone friendly😆 it was already uncompatible with some of them, now none of it will run it, you'll need a PC with at least a RTX 2070 to run it
@Rb2h, @C47skytrain and @MosquitowithaMachineGun...Thanks for the Upvotes guys!!!😁
+3forums link/lien du forums
+2@ToeTips and like that?
+2!!!IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!French version at the end.
All credit goes to the creator off the plane I used for mine, Cedy 117, here's the link for the original plane, his version.
For my version I added a cockpit, a landing hook, 3x50mm cannons (10 shots per second), strobe lights, landing light, a night vision (cockpit view), re-fueling pipe, flares and wing that you can raise for the hanger of the USS Beast and more missiles.
Update 1.5 Add
Here's how it work,
AG1- Lights on.
AG2 Activated- Raise the wing.
AG3- Drop fuel tanks and all wapons
(wait 1.5 seconds).
AG4- Night vision (cockpit view).
AG5 Activated- Re-fueling pipe out.
AG6- All wapons are ready.
AG7- Landing hook.
AG8 De-activated-shut the engine.
VTOL Down- Flaps down ONLY between 161/121 Knt, 186/139 Mph, 300/225 Km/h at 3-5% Thrust.
TRIM- Trim and Trim Up/Down + VTOL Down control the landing diving speed.
I hope you'll have a lot of fun with my version of the Mc Donnell Douglas CF-18A "CF-188" Hornet, a Multi-role fighter jet used by the RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) since 1982
Update of Monday D/M/Y 21/09/2020 AT 20:00.00h Montreal.Qc.Ca Hour
Tout le crédit va au créateur de la version original de l'avion que j'ai utiliser, Cedy 117, Voici le lien de l'original, sa version.
Pour ma version, j'ai rajouter un cockpit, un crochet d'aterissage, 3 cannons de 50mm (10 tirs par seconde), lumières de navigation, lumières d'attérissage, une vision nocturne (vue du cockpit), un tuyeaux de ravitallement, des leurres et des ailes repliable pour entrer dans le hangar du USS Beast et des missiles supplémentaires.
Rajout de la mise-à-jour 1.5,
- Volets fonctionel utilisant le Systeme VTOL et Gyroscopique.
Voici comment sa fonctionne,
AG1- Lumières de navigation.
AG2 Activer- Lève les ailes.
AG3- Larguer les réservoirs de kérosen et tout les armes
(attendre 1.5 secondes).
AG4- Vision nocturne (vue du cockpit).
AG5- Sort le tuyeaux de ravitaillement.
AG6- Tout les armes sont prêtes.
AG7- Crochet d'attérissage.
AG8 désactiver- Étein les moteurs.
VTOL Vers le bas- Volets SEULEMENT entre 161/121 Knt, 186/139 Mph, 300/225 Km/h a 3-5% de la poussee
TRIM-TRIM ou TRIM Haut/Bas+VTOL vers le bas controle la vitesse de decente pour l'aterissage.
J'espère que vous aurai du plaisir avec ma version du
+2AG1- Nav light on.
AG2- Drop cargo.
AG3- Open 2nd parachute.
AG5- Open the side door.
AG6- Open the ramp.
AG7- Drop fuel tank.
Air-to-GND- Flares.
Trim- Trim.
Have fun!
+2@UssrLENINGRAD Thanks for the upvote!
+1@MosquitowithaMachineGun thanks for the SPOTLIGHT😄
+1@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore 😄
+1@SomeSPGuyWhoLikesLore and thanks for the spotlight! It mean a lot😌
I apologize mate I didnt saw it as a compliment cause I don't like the wasp in the game, but, explained like that, Thank you verry much bud, I apreciate it a lot
+1@Bryan5 Merci pour le spotlight mon ami!!! très aprécier!
+1@waylaymythz you know what?! If you are able I agree letting you do it, you seem more able than me, if you want to test the plane just remove the glass stand you'll only have the plane ready to fly, see what you can do with it and republish it and tag me, I'm following you😉 I will credit you for shure on the official release🤘 we can also discuss on Instagram if you want it would be a pleasure to talk with you mate!
+1@waylaymythz wow, that's a real game knowledge and math usage, thanks Bro, I shure will modified this, I'm also working on the weight but for the fuel capacity, I have no choice to set it Higher than the real one unless there is a fuel use parameter with the fine or XML parameter
+1@TestRobot you've said everything mate!
+1@Majakalona I did the corrections, the rest is correct, Don't ask me too much I speek french buddy😉 thanks again!
+1@Majakalona yup I did a mistake😆
+1hey mate! sorry for bothering you, I really need your help. I moddified the ''HARV Hornet'' F/A-18C that Lifewald built to make a canadian variant, it is a succes but I found a problem with the wing, yours are more accurate for the flaps (back section) and I would like you to modify it, I will publish it, you take them, work on them and re-publish it once done. I would be verry greateful for your help mate and sure will credit you on the plane. you can contact me on instagram at warwolf182. Thanks!
+1@SSEntwicklungsstelleIV can I ask you how you do that? it's kind of magic to me haha
+1@SSEntwicklungsstelleIV good to me! Thanks mate
+1Could you make Canada mate?
+1Oh! It looks nice, gonna try it now!😁
+1@MelvinPaxley what is it? Lets talk mate!
+1love the fact that you put nazi simbols on it, you may have some hate but...its a replica soooo dont listen to them, awesome ship mate!!!
+1@Bryan5 oh thanks bro!!!
+1@Bryan5 thanks for the upvote mate😁
+1@Shnippy hope so
+1@Shnippy yup hahaha
+1@ToeTips For real?! Nedd to see that! Goona keep an eye open on It, Tag me when its done!
+1@UssrLENIN AIM-7 SPARROW for the domination!
+1@ToeTips Thank you for the Upvote!
+1@UssrLENIN AGM-65 Maverick 🤘
+1@Suubk27, @CalebRepublic, @SovietBiscuit
+1@Bryan5, @rwampler28, @LunarEclipseSP
+1@ToeTips Damn....Why SP?...Why? xD
+1@ToeTips Thanks For the UPVOTE mate!!! :)
+1@ToeTips For Real?!
SUKHOI: How agile do you want the plane to be?
Putin: Yes
SUKHOI: ...Say no more
nice job!!
+1@ToeTips, @UssrLENIN, @Lifewald, @Bryan5, @rwampler28, @LunarEclipseSP, @DotMeQYT, @Owenluvsantonov225, @Randomplayer, @Ooflauncher, @0k, @LinusTouchTips, @L1nus, @JakeS, @WarHawk95 ;)FR, @asteroidbook345, @Mrplane123, @DOYOUMIND, @MrVaultech, @Ryad, @MRpingoin, @Suubk27, @CalebRepublic, @SovietBiscuit, @ACEPILOT109, @Brields95, @StockPlanesRemastered, @Nakak, @Freerider2142, @XBaTuT4MuHyT, @Aircat56, I can not forget you mate @Shnippy...almost forget you..., @Thorne, @Anastvats, @Nobodygood, @thefalkenreich, @Cedy117,mate, I WISH you still there. and HERE WE ARE, I tags every one who comment and upvote on my previous post since 3.5 years, If you see this, PLZ leave a comment and say HI I'm gonna answer y'all : )
+1@ToeTips, @UssrLENIN, @Lifewald, @Bryan5, @rwampler28, @LunarEclipseSP, @DotMeQYT, @Owenluvsantonov225, @Randomplayer, @Ooflauncher, @0k, @LinusTouchTips, @L1nus, @JakeS, @WarHawk95 ;)FR, @asteroidbook345, @Mrplane123, @DOYOUMIND, @MrVaultech, @Ryad, @MRpingoin, @Suubk27, @CalebRepublic, @SovietBiscuit, @ACEPILOT109, @Brields95, @StockPlanesRemastered, @Nakak, @Freerider2142, @XBaTuT4MuHyT, @Aircat56, I can not forget you mate @Shnippy...almost forget you..., @Thorne, @Anastvats, @Nobodygood, @thefalkenreich, @Cedy117,mate, I WISH you still there. and HERE WE ARE, I tags every one who comment and upvote on my previous post since 3.5 years, If you see this, PLZ leave a comment and say HI I'm gonna answer y'all : )
+1AG1 Lights, Afterburners & Engines, AG2 Canopy, VTOL up=Lader down, AG3 Openning radar & shell belt, AG4 Cable hook, AG5 Drop fuel tanks & Display, AG6 fuel probe, AG7 Fold wings, De-activate8 Catapult arm down, activate to raise, OFF AN/AAQ SINTREX/ON AN/AAQ SINTREX. Thanks!!! Leave a comment PLZ!!!
+1AG1 Lights, Afterburners & Engines, AG2 Canopy, VTOL up=Lader down, AG3 Openning radar & shell belt, AG4 Cable hook, AG5 Drop fuel tanks & Display, AG6 fuel probe, AG7 Fold wings, De-activate8 Catapult arm down, activate to raise, OFF AN/AAQ SINTREX/ON AN/AAQ SINTREX. Thanks!!! Leave a comment PLZ!!!
+1AG1 Lights, Afterburners & Engines, AG2 Canopy, VTOL up=Lader down, AG3 Openning radar & shell belt, AG4 Cable hook, AG5 Drop fuel tanks & Display, AG6 fuel probe, AG7 Fold wings, De-activate8 Catapult arm down, activate to raise, OFF AN/AAQ SINTREX/ON AN/AAQ SINTREX. Thanks!!! Leave a comment PLZ!!!
+1@ToeTips thanks for the upvote by the way mate!
+1@UssrLENIN f*ing good news! I'm verry happy for you mate! Hope you'll still be able to fly it after the update...I'm actually working on it live, answering on my phone😆
+1@UssrLENIN yup but if no one is able to play with it's useless
+1@UssrLENIN, @rwampler28, @Lifewald,
+1@UssrLENIN yup, and with the BIG F*ing update comming will be no longer phone friendly😆 it was already uncompatible with some of them, now none of it will run it, you'll need a PC with at least a RTX 2070 to run it
+1@Bryan5 thank you for your Upvote😁
+1@Bryan5 Hey Buddy, the DEMO of the CF-188 Hornet is out, check my profile!!! ;)