15.7k Wernster Comments

  • Tlpp.Pk-III 3.5 years ago

    @K2K Oooo, yes! Nice seeing you once again, haha!

  • I found my old drawings hehe. 3.6 years ago

    @NintendosmasterpieceMARIO AHHH!! I can't get it to work! Sorry! I'll remove this forum post until I finally figure it out.

  • French AMX.20-37 3.6 years ago

    @ArkRoyalTheDDhunter The thumbnail is drawn using the sideshot of the actual build as reference, it looks exactly the same except without colour and with tracks, and to make sure I'm not misleading users I've added a second image with the actual build.

    Don't worry, I'll be fine. After all SP isn't really my main hobby, I only came here to share my ideas with this wonderful community and to make my drawings come to life. Thank you for worrying about me! :3

  • M3A1 Stuart 3.6 years ago

    Keep up the good work!

  • Btlf-13.40 3.6 years ago

    @EternalDarkness Aw, alright. Thank you for reminding me!

  • Minor inconvinence 3.6 years ago

    @UsualPiooneer Aw, um. I rarely use mirror when I'm building a tank, haha, although I do use it often in making aircrafts though!

    I'll try reducing my use of mirroring the entire creation! Thank you!

  • Btlf-13.40 3.6 years ago

    @LeonardorHD1 Aw, right, it does happen when it's fired in slow-motion, are you in slow motion right as the cannon fired? If not then I'll try to post a fixed version once I figure out the problem.

  • Standard tricycle 3.6 years ago

    @Kipo @Junkers87stuka Ha!

  • Standard observation balloon 3.6 years ago

    @Memri Yup I agree.

  • Airc19.Tk-iv 3.6 years ago

    @airlinerbuilder Wow! Didn't expect you to comment this early, thanks friend!

  • Pk-42med-L 3.6 years ago

    @airlinerbuilder Aw! Thank you so much for your support! It really means a lot for me.

  • TD.btlf-Tzp-t18V2.plat(76 4.75) 3.7 years ago

    @airlinerbuilder Aw, thank you!

  • General use motorcycle 3.7 years ago

    @Djuffin Thank you!

  • Carousel (Tzp.T3.1935) 3.7 years ago

    @Spitfire2013 Aww, thanks!

  • AMX-57 TASSIGNY 5DB9 "B-Bop" 3.7 years ago


  • Unmodern Tank Challenge Judged 3.7 years ago

    Nice! I wasn't expecting 2nd place since the build is quickly outdated by my new standards, even the name I find cringy haha, only TC which means "Tank challenge" is the only one that makes sense.

    congratulations to all that participated aswell! You all make good builds. ^^

    In the next contest you host, if you do indeed plan to, I recommend asking questions to the builders! To hopefully clear up some things, for example you mentioned that the CTT isn't able to fire/aim on the move but it actually could via holding the pitch up then deactivating the AG, the value will stay the same and results in the vehicle moving on its own, plus look at what platform it is designed on, the controls might be awkward because its specialized for another platform that favours different controls, I'm pretty sure that mobile and PC have different/conflicting control styles. sometimes things seem alot deeper than on the surface, and all of this could be avoided by just asking.

    I hope you improve the next time you host a contest. ^^ Have a great day sir!

  • LOE Medium 3.8 years ago

    @Stevengaming Just change "partCollisionResponse = None" using overload, pretty easy!

  • LOE Medium 3.8 years ago

    @Stevengaming Your parts are probably set to default, default parts regardless of HP will always explode once it has taken too much damage. ^^

  • Wells.1931(Type12 75mm AT) 3.8 years ago

    @WarHawk95 Yep! Really Effecient, and you can spawn dozens of it, or did I miss something?

  • LOE Heavy 3.8 years ago

    @FeiWu Great! I just took a quick lil' break, since I'm busy with learning music, but I'm glad you care!

  • LOE Medium 3.8 years ago

    @Stevengaming Basic rounds!

  • LOE Medium 3.8 years ago

    @Stevengaming Absolutely! Satisfy yourself, do what you so desire! (Just don't use explosive rounds :3)

  • LOE Medium 3.8 years ago

    @airlinerbuilder Aww, thanks!

  • M.A. 4 3.9 years ago

    @airlinerbuilder Yes, Wide.

  • M.A. 4 3.9 years ago

    Wow! A Fighter Jet! I Thought You Only Make Passenger Aircraft, Keep Up The Good Work!

  • (TC) CT, CSSL3-LIF 3.9 years ago

    @K2K Thanks! It Really Means Alot!

  • SH-28 "Chimera" 3.9 years ago

    @Zanedavid Oooo, I'll Definitely Try That Out.

  • Ctuik, MBT.II (Beta) 3.9 years ago

    @APilotOfPlanes All I Did Was Just Hold The Pitch Up Then Turned Off AG1 Then Boom! The Tank Moves On Its Own And I Could Still Steer It Using Yaw, I Mean I'm Pretty Bad At Explaining Stuff So That's Probably Why, Sorry For Confusing You.

    With Cockpits? I Mean I'm No Expert At All But I Do Have Some Skills In Creating Cockpit's, So Far I've Only Made Two. Go Check Out My Post Named "WWG Airstan T110 Full Interior"

  • Airliner Challenge Results 3.9 years ago

    Yay! At Least I've Got Second Place!

  • Question About Cannon Damage Calculation Formula Based On Velocity And Caliber 4.0 years ago

    @IssaIwan Exactly! The Reason Why I'm Seeking Out The Formula Is To Accurately Set The HP Of a Part To Match Its Respective Armor Thickness Against Certain Cannons!

    EX: a 110mm Angled Plate Should Be Able To Withstand 50mm And Some 75mm Cannons And Should Be Penetrated With Powerful Ones.
    (High Velocity Cannons With Impact Scalar Added In To Make It's Penetration More Close To It's Intended One)

    But Since The Formula Isn't Out Yet All I Do Is Make Rough Approximations, Still Works But Not As Accurate As Having a Proper Formula.

  • Question About Cannon Damage Calculation Formula Based On Velocity And Caliber 4.0 years ago

    @WereOutOfNames Yes Correct, Only Basic Shells As Explosive Shells Are Pretty Much Overpowered.

  • Question About Cannon Damage Calculation Formula Based On Velocity And Caliber 4.0 years ago

    @rexrexThezion Idk Why, My Fingers Just Does That Automatically.

  • RJ230-300 4.0 years ago

    This Build Is Spectacular And I Can Tell You Went All-Out Into This.
    I Really Never Spent True Effort Into My Builds And I Think Today Is The Day To Start!

  • Wonderwing, Slvy-225 4.0 years ago

    @MTFearless Wow Thanks!

  • SST 26 4.0 years ago

    This Can Easily Reach 5000+Kph In High Altitudes, I Must Say... That's Awesome! Took Me Almost a Min To Reach Snowstone, Talk About Fast Travel :3

  • R.A. 11 4.0 years ago

    Look At You! You're Improving Fast, Keep Up The Good Work!

  • Ctuik, HT.I-A 4.0 years ago

    @FeiWu The Armor Is Meant For a Somewhat Realistic DMG Model For Cannon Projectiles! Too High Makes It Completely Bulletproof However Also Making It Impenetrable For Guns That Are Supposed To Penetrate It's Side Or Front, It's Hard To Sometimes Find a Balance Between Bouncing 50mm Shells And Being Able To Be Penetrated By 75mm High Velocity Shells, That's Why I Reduced Machinegun Damage To 1HP 24HP Damage Is a Little Too Much For Me, Still Does The Job Done!

    (Try Shooting It Repeatedly With The TD31's Cannon To It's Front, Then Compare It To The LT.III-II!)

  • Ctuik, HT.I-A 4.0 years ago

    @Deadly8Nightshade Um, Any Build That Isn't Highly Optimized That Has a Part Count Around 800 Probably Would Lag My Device Hard!

  • Coastal Defence (150mm Naval Cannon Opentop) 4.0 years ago

    Behold! The Post That Boosted Me And Got Me To Silver! I'd Like To Thank Everyone For Making This Possible!

  • Semi-Realistic Scale Station Wagon 4.0 years ago

    @captainhall Thanks! I'm Glad You Liked It!

  • Semi-Realistic Scale Station Wagon 4.0 years ago

    @MasterPlanes101 Good Luck!

  • Semi-Realistic Scale Station Wagon 4.0 years ago

    @FeiWu Ouch, Yeah Maybe It's a Little Too Small...

  • Prototype VIII, Wernster Super Comet (ModelA) 4.0 years ago

    @airlinerbuilder I'm Glad You Liked It!

    Sorry For The Delay Aswell, I Originally Made This a Week Ago But I Wanted To Wait For Other Participants To Post Theirs... ^^

  • Ctuik, MT.II.75 4.0 years ago

    @Captaincarroca Yep! Their Specialized For Mobile Users, Able To React Quickly, Shoot Accurately And Even Aim And Shoot On The Move! Once You Get Used To It! Although Idk For PC Or Computer Users...

  • Coastal Defence (150mm Naval Cannon Opentop) 4.0 years ago

    @Blue0Bull Thanks :3

  • C250 Beta Smooth 4.0 years ago

    Wow, Can't Wait For The Next Update To Be Released!

  • Coastal Defence (150mm Naval Cannon Opentop) 4.0 years ago

    @hoontown I'm Glad This Build Gave You Some Good Ideas!

  • Coastal Defence (150mm Naval Cannon Opentop) 4.0 years ago

    @FeiWu Aww Thanks Fei!

  • Coastal Defence (150mm Naval Cannon Opentop) 4.0 years ago

    @WarshipDude We Need To Live Our Lives To Its Full Potential!

  • Coastal Defence (150mm Naval Cannon Opentop) 4.0 years ago

    @DanBedderz AHHHH!!! Thanks!