30 Whyme2010 Comments

  • Lockheed P-38 Lightning 1.2 years ago

    the left engine propeller keeps getting blown off even when i’m not engaged in combat or taking off from the ground. it kinda just weakly explodes and flies off for no clear reason.

  • Sukhoi Su 17 (Su-22-M4) 1.4 years ago

    It’s probably great but I never went past takeoff because I realized the pylons for the bombs on the underside of the fuselage are red (not able to be placed/obstructed) and the bombs just drop off of the aircraft when you spawn it, please fix it (or someone else fix it with the original poster’s permission)

  • Avro Vulcan B.1 11 months ago

    The sound in this thing is AMAZINGLY realistic.

  • Boeing B-52H new 11 months ago

    @Skrog action group 1 to open the bomb bay doors, go into air to ground, select the bomb you want (boom 50 or nuke, go to 5,000 ft for the nuke btw) and press the button on the very bottom left of the screen to drop.

  • Republic XF-84H Thunderscreech 1.1 years ago

    anyways why is the rudder making me turn the opposite direction that it should?

  • Republic XF-84H Thunderscreech 1.1 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 it’s actually impossible to tell what exactly it sounds like with a video recording, this is because it’s sound is created by shockwaves.

  • Goofy Ahh Bomber 1.4 years ago

    Looks like an Grumman F7F tigercat to be honest.