120 WolfenValdek

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joined 5.9 years ago

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I suck at building things that do not rip themselves to pieces or explode

Hey there, I’m WolfenValdek. But I go by Wolfen a lot. I’ve never been good at writing things so let’s skip the formalities.

You can also find me on discord at WolfenValdek#5469

Some facts:
- I love the navy
- History is my favorite class
- tanks are one of my two favorite things to see
- I want to join the Navy one day
- I’m proud to call the US my home
- the “IKE” is my favorite ship
- I have 3 pets
- I like to watch anime quite a bit or chat with discord friends

My Glorious Building Comrades in Arms (order is unimportant)
1) FlipposMC
2) KerlonceauxIndustries
3) InternationalAircraftCompany