@asteroidbook345 i just want to know how all thos started. And plus im neutral here in this drama im Switzerland. I just want to know how all of this stared.
@Hedero im an aircadet so i had to work on the second day and i went on the first and a huge wind storm happened and well i was holding down the arrow as is fiberglass and carbon fiber so the wind was lifting it up so i was stuck holding down a Canadian SUPERSONIC arecraft for 20 minutes
@Hedero could you try to make avro arrow i know theres a lot of them on this site but i your building skill are amazing and i would love to see you make the arrow. as the avro arrow is such a big part of my life, at the last air show in my town the avro arrow was there with the learjet that they where going to use the engines from. If you ever in Canada Alberta try to visit the spring airport out side for cochrane that where there building the avro arrow. @ me if you want my disc if you want to talk more about the avro arrow project in my home town
It wont fly for me it just locks up
@Diloph idk why but random she blocked me
@Trijets yes
@tictacjack56 what do you want me to make as you one i can make a tank car boat or plane its up to you mate
Tic mate im sorry
@tictacjack56 i know you just scaled down a plane but that still takes some time so you win
You win a custom built tank or plane or something
+1Are they supposed to blow up in the air
+1@Diloph nice simple osprey
Umm yes i do love aksdjdhsizjakshdhdhx best ps2 game ( never played it)
@Fastwaffle233 i know i just added the new gun karen
Its shellmen
Did you know that most of the people who worked on this was working on the avro arrow project before it was shut down
Most of the planes crashed or bailed out over water and on china and Japanese land as they took off from carrier and ran out of fuel
@Brendorkus good job dumb ass the op of this aircraft has stopped uploading doe to people modified and reuploading her builds without her permission
@Fastwaffle233 look at the original post
How does it go from two parts to one
I landed it it in "one" piece
Good job but its under the part limit
When a Japanese man sees the second sun
+1Its nice but i dont trust missile on top of wings
@tictacjack56 i tried its just the air craft is a spawn of satan from Alabama and well its hard to fix im sorry about that all keep trying
@tictacjack56 sure
@LastManStanding it doesn't the plan is that a bunch of users will add parts to make it fly
@HerisonBlack as we are both small sp builders im wondering if you want to make a collaboration with me
@Diloph i sent you a friend request
@Diloph i read your description but i still dont get it but im dumb but i did friend you on discord its CosmicCosmonaut
@asteroidbook345 i just want to know how all thos started. And plus im neutral here in this drama im Switzerland. I just want to know how all of this stared.
And can you make a non moded one
Nice could i use your suspension system for my tini car
@asteroidbook345 what drama did i miss
I like. Heres a updoot
+1@Hedero search it up on YouTube it is a real cool video showing the skills of th starfighter
@Hedero im an aircadet so i had to work on the second day and i went on the first and a huge wind storm happened and well i was holding down the arrow as is fiberglass and carbon fiber so the wind was lifting it up so i was stuck holding down a Canadian SUPERSONIC arecraft for 20 minutes
1000 parts how did your android not become an ied
+2@Diloph yes
@Hedero could you try to make avro arrow i know theres a lot of them on this site but i your building skill are amazing and i would love to see you make the arrow. as the avro arrow is such a big part of my life, at the last air show in my town the avro arrow was there with the learjet that they where going to use the engines from. If you ever in Canada Alberta try to visit the spring airport out side for cochrane that where there building the avro arrow. @ me if you want my disc if you want to talk more about the avro arrow project in my home town
@Hedero i love it it can do the touch roll touch
@hedero can you make a very that has the bombs and rockets plus the 6 50 cal that it would of been armed with
@Diloph no totally not a imaginary model. Of course i have a model of it irl -_-
@Spaceflower yes -_-
@Diloph i have a meteor f.1 model
I cant lock on it
And its showing up as blue on the tracker
Thank you god
@Otter0308 sure
Omg thanks now i have a simple planes aircraft that i have a model of
@BogdanX my new one is 245 parts