@Zer0x1 A long time, anyway…🐱
@Zer0x1 The birth of the new mecha relies on the precise blessing of Promethium Holy Oil, the 114514th sacred self-inspection cycle of the Martian Forge, and the cerebral cortex overload sacrifice of at least three dozen Tech-Priests.🔧🤖
@APlainPlaned Thank you very much
@EmpirePersia2500 我CNM的!小B崽子我给你笑脸给多了?我C你N的!美国佬的苍蝇没给你全家炸S轮得到你TM搁这发扭得跟SHI一样的文字给你YEYE装高级?我艹NM的!在搁这装老子让你飞起来☝️😺
@EmpirePersia2500 老实说,我还是不敢相信你在骂我…
@EmpirePersia2500 哥们,让我们说中文
@SAINAKAJIMA of course
"You are just like me, Trying to make history"
@Dest20345 Unmanned boat
@Noahstudios Sure
@Robomo00119 yes
I admit that my head of my plane is not up to scratch, but only the first half of the fuselage is used. 😓
@Zer0x1 A long time, anyway…🐱
+1@Zer0x1 The birth of the new mecha relies on the precise blessing of Promethium Holy Oil,
+1the 114514th sacred self-inspection cycle of the Martian Forge,
and the cerebral cortex overload sacrifice of at least three dozen Tech-Priests.🔧🤖
@APlainPlaned Thank you very much
+1@EmpirePersia2500 我CNM的!小B崽子我给你笑脸给多了?我C你N的!美国佬的苍蝇没给你全家炸S轮得到你TM搁这发扭得跟SHI一样的文字给你YEYE装高级?我艹NM的!在搁这装老子让你飞起来☝️😺
@EmpirePersia2500 老实说,我还是不敢相信你在骂我…
@EmpirePersia2500 哥们,让我们说中文
@SAINAKAJIMA of course
"You are just like me,
Trying to make history"
@Dest20345 Unmanned boat
@Noahstudios Sure
@Robomo00119 yes
I admit that my head of my plane is not up to scratch, but only the first half of the fuselage is used.