I love flying but that part always sucks. Especially when they’re the kind of person who will actually try to interact with you like cmon dude the engines are loud because we’re not supposed to talk to each other so do us both a favor and shut.
+1They are deserving of a fate worse than death.
+1Your not invited to my party.
+1I love flying but that part always sucks.
Especially when they’re the kind of person who will actually try to interact with you like cmon dude the engines are loud because we’re not supposed to talk to each other so do us both a favor and shut.
Depends on the plane.
+1The fewer weirdo’s I have to sit next to the better.
Oh oh oh! Is it that one that flies? I think it is. T
+1Because I tell everyone to build that…
Why do you have to ask?
Also, if I was to write down all my strange dreams, well we’d be here a while.
+1I saw some guy do a video on internet mysteries that inculcated this thing…
+1I got the place of discussion back up btw.
That was a good movie. T
+1I have no idea what your testing but ima go ahead and say you failed for no particular reason.
+1Nah I’ve heard it, I just need to hear it again.
+1Now I gotta listen to that song by sabaton.
+1[Insert your underaged joke here.]
(hey random person reading this, I got to fly it before you.)
+1Judge apparently.
+1I’ll take whichever BeastHunter doesn’t want.
+1I used the eight to eight the eight.
+1Yes, I would delete this forum.
It won’t do anything and your better off not having to deal with the comments it’ll get.
+1I used the plane to plane the plane,
No, no they cannot.
Antonov A-40.
+1I still think your awesomeness360’s alt.
+1I’m still using 1.11 so if it’s a recent update guess I get to laugh.
+1Huh, I haven’t had this… maybe it’s a problem with your device?
+1Well thanks, I can still get the link from that comment. I’ll watch it later.
+1Links don’t automatically highlight themselves.
+1It’s not a problem with anything you’ve done.
+1Your attempt at trickery was futile.
+1The spot where video should be is blank, and you don’t have a link to your channel in your bio.
+1How sad.
Still have FOV at least.
+1Is same cam you put in cockpit but not for cockpit.
+1Cockpit, it won’t be in the cockpit but same cam.
It would look more professional if you deleted the early access auto credit.