6,499 XVIindustries Comments

  • Boat making ? 9.4 years ago

    I am good with boats, what do you need to know? And what type/style are you building because that also has a factor,

  • Sympathy for Paris 9.4 years ago

    You for got to add, a few horrible cowards not people, they are cowards, they shoot unarmed cervillians, and blow themselves up, what sick assholes can brainwash young teenagers into blowing themselves up and killing people with families, women, children, I honestly hope there is a hell in their religion, because they'd better be going there @tera1587

  • Boat making ? 9.4 years ago

    Hahah @Cedy117

  • Turbulence! (Wind) 9.5 years ago

    I make fake turbulence on my aircrafts

  • We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when.... 9.0 years ago

    Well I have been holding my anger back and needed to let it all out.....
    I think it's all out now... Aliybakjhbakakjhwkjhqliuhsliuhdlijznlkiajlkizhoiuzhyagakhjharrrrrarrararararraraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
    There we go. All done,
    But since you were around when TOC was realy being a complete tool. Please tell skua your experience. Anyway I've asked TOC to PM me on Reddit for peace talks.@JacobHardy64

  • Why...? 9.0 years ago

  • Why...? 9.0 years ago

  • We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when.... 9.0 years ago

    Well... I gave him a bit of his own medicine and skua didn't like it, then had a go at me for avoiding a ban using an alt account when I posted an apology from here... He said that avoiding ban on this account could lead to IP ban so I'm not taking any risks.... No sir. I'm leaving soon.... But still please tell skua about your colonel experience.. Then he might take action and ban him. He apparently could give him an IP ban because he was banned many times and just made another alt. @JacobHardy64

  • We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when.... 9.0 years ago

    I was a bad boy.... Sigh,... I'm going cya. BB on the 29th for beta @JacobHardy64

  • We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when.... 9.0 years ago

    Well.... That was unexpected@Thefalloutplayr

  • Trim and VTOL flaps! 9.0 years ago

    @Flightsonic @ElGatoVolador no good ever comes of arguing.....

  • The Frog (Experimental Jet) 9.0 years ago

    Love it!

  • Open to colaboration! 9.1 years ago

    Lol pretty sure I'm terrible now aswell. @bjac0

  • Open to colaboration! 9.1 years ago

    Download my toolkit it will be useful if you will be building with me

  • Open to colaboration! 9.1 years ago

    Hmm, a boat? @bjac0

  • President 9.1 years ago

    The German invasion of France in world war 2 also took advantage in land that was in a French blind spot, @TheColonel

  • President 9.1 years ago

    Terrain is the most important asset to assure victory, the fins dug a few fox holes and made a few bunkers in the winter war, and fought off the Russians with 37 tanks a few hundred planes, and a couple thousand troops with skis, vs over 6000 T34's 15000 planes and over a million Russian soldiers, the fins only won because they took advantage of rocks, camofaluge dips in the ground and their snowy climate to slow the Russians down, they won of course. Proving safety is not always in numbers.

  • Open to colaboration! 9.1 years ago

    Would you like to build something with PlanesOfOld? @bjac0

  • Replica Challenge (Closed) 9.1 years ago

    Well for a true replica one must be given at least a month.

  • President 9.1 years ago

    Yes yes, @TheColonel

  • Everyone must read this. 9.1 years ago

    One does not understand. @AgDynamics

  • Open to colaboration! 9.1 years ago

    Possibly, this is your first and only chance to build something with PlanesOfOld.

  • President 9.1 years ago

    True, and I beleive they are polecats in their wild form... All we get are badgers foxes and the odd bird of prey, usualy an owl or a red kite @TheColonel

  • Everyone must read this. 9.1 years ago

    @Thefalloutplayr it seems not.

  • Everyone must read this. 9.1 years ago

    'Sir' is not a monarchs title. You should read about monarchy it's very interesting. Sir is the title given to people who have impressed the country or royalty in some way, they get knighted by the queen or king with a sword (I'm sorry I've forgotten it's name) and they are now 'sir' whoever they are. Knighthood is one of the highest honours you can get here. @AgDynamics

  • President 9.1 years ago

    @TheColonel you must get some interesting wildlife then, just as we get different wildlife on isolated islands in the UK

  • President 9.1 years ago

    I live in the sunny County of Buckinghamshire England with beautiful rolling green feilds and pretty little villages. @TheColonel

  • President 9.1 years ago

    @TheColonel sounds nice, Maine is one of my favorite states. It has an interesting history, and a nice coast-line

  • President 9.1 years ago

    No If I was, I would have killed myself by now, I could not imagine being an organism more disgusting than a dung beetle. @TheColonel

  • Hindenburg 9.1 years ago

    I live near the hangars where they built it, and my grandad did some RAF training there. They are huge lol,

  • Hindenburg 9.1 years ago

    Build the R101

  • Hindenburg 9.1 years ago

    Untrue @Challenger

  • Everyone must read this. 9.1 years ago

    I think you mean Sir Winston Chirchill. @AgDynamics

  • President 9.1 years ago

    I meant state of America. Sir, @TheColonel

  • Downvote implemented in the future ? 9.1 years ago

    My account is not platinum anymore, I deleted a lot of planes cause of hate @TehDuck

  • Downvote implemented in the future ? 9.1 years ago

    Nope. @TehDuck

  • Downvote implemented in the future ? 9.1 years ago

    I am the second person ever to reach platinum before I got harassed off the site @TehDuck

  • Downvote implemented in the future ? 9.1 years ago

    Lol, I'm surprised you don't know who I am, @TehDuck

  • OK THIS NEEDS TO STOP NOW 9.1 years ago

    This is not jelly hate, it is on behalf of both communities, I beleive both communities are being douchebags and I am done with this @KingDeadshot

  • Mind The Tiger 9.1 years ago

    Lol @amazingperson124

  • (high) Flying Logo 9.1 years ago

    Thanks for being creative.

  • Anti-JeIIy copy logo 9.1 years ago


  • AaronSon AB-A1 Tipper (Beta) 9.1 years ago

    Beautiful, I love flying boats :)

  • Jelle plane 9.1 years ago

    Learn how to speak English.

  • Green Flyer of Awesomeness 9.1 years ago

    At least he was creative, this is rath good for a jelly plane don't you think? @Himynameiswalrus

  • jlly super fast plane 9.1 years ago

    You should, before they poison the community @AndrewGarrison

  • Regarding YouTubers 9.1 years ago

    Congrats on mod, @Skua

  • Regarding YouTubers 9.1 years ago

    Please learn how to speak English. @mapulu