692 XenoMorphic

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joined 6.3 years ago

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Historical Background
The Xeno Dominion Corporation(2077-present) is a militaristic State founded by Aexon Xephyl during the War for the Trinity Column.
The trinity Column was a Space Anomaly wherein
three massive columns of resources suddenly
warped inbetween Sector X6HV7 of the Xekvs
Imperial Nation, And Sector K5BV9 of the Varks
Republic, A year after the anomaly warped in,
Research Has Concluded that the unknown alien
structure was made of Xiyanthium One of the
Strongest materials in the galaxy, this sparked a
secret operation to begin deconstructing the
anomaly by the Varks Republic, Although the
research was not detected by the Xekvs Imperial
Nation, The nation definitely Detected the mass
amount of Mobile Shipyards heading to the anomaly,
Xekvs as the imperialist state that it is, blindly
declares war, not having a clear objective for the
war, they Decided to fight for the fact that half the
anomaly must be claimed for the Imperial State, as it
was inbetween the two sectors. War Raged on for
decades Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost.
Until one day.
Aexon Xephyl a daring commander of Xekvs, decided
that it was pointles fighting over Three Columns that
has mass amounts of Materials if the war were to
eradicate all species in the Immediate Area, So he
decided , On one Special Day , He
the commander of the Velxric Battleship, Planned to
cooperate with Varks Republic to execute a Multi
Stage Coupé d'etat , one stage after another the
coupé was slowly succeeding, the Xekvs Imperial
Nation has been brought down to its knees, as the
Elder leader was taken off the throne he sighs a
deep breath, and the look on his face was a sad unruly.
king well as Aexon could see."Any last words?" Said
AexonXephyl, "Execute Order 7, codename Zero", the
Elder replied, As AexonXephyl stands there
speechless a massive Core rises from the planet of
which they stand, bigger than the biggest ship of
2036, as a loud and daring click resonated from the
core, the core implodes and takes everything with it,
creating a new mega sized blackhole, how did Aexon
Xephyl Found Xeno Dominion? He Didnt, Instead He
Started the Revolution , the very beginning of the
Xeno Dominion and the people who heard his story
from the other side of the galaxy built the Xeno
Dominion from the Ground Up with Aexon Xephyl as
the Center Point.

The Rehabilitation of Galaxy B7X was impossible, the new Xeno Dominion was forced to move out of its native galaxy, They warped to Sector X1AZ6, of Galaxy Z3A , this is where they started the Xeno Dominion.
Yirz Ghuk'Al , as the first official leader of the Xeno Dominion he officially Declared the Xeno Dominion Founded at Year 2077, 41 Years from the Destruction of Galaxy B7X, and 97 Years from the start of the War for the Trinity Column.

Supposed to be a short bio but i got ahead of myself