I got it to work. There’s a block above the detacher, and one of the connections on it is to the plane itself. It’s a long sloping block. Disconnect that and you’ll be good.@metallicplanes
Welp here goes
(Edit) Oh it actually works well, hardly much lag.
(Edit 2) Don’t fire guns.
(Edit 3) K just crashed my game, don’t fly into water in a very rapid fashion.
I wish I had a proper setup :) I have a ‘14 HP laptop. Works well enough. Can run SP with a ~1,500 part creation at like 35 frames or something. I also use it for school. The school gives us with these 5 year old POS Chromebooks and then gets angry at us for having crap video and mic quality. If you have more than one tab open whilst on a Zoom call the call says “High CPU usage is affecting meeting quality”. Sorry for the slight rant.
The waTer goes in The poT wiTh The Tea bag To make The Tea
Actually that was pointless I follow you.
Oh and I am blind lol I see the tagged comment now
What do you mean, don’t go to elec-dying noises
Lol first game I had the imposter was hiding in the vent in electrical and killed me.
Also this crewmate be 20ft tall!
Claps in happy MR2
Give a fish a tank, it’ll die. But if you give a fish a tank, it’ll live the rest of its life. @lilgreen06
Np :) @mikoyanster
+1Sketch is better than anything I’ve seen. Great build!
Here you go! @mikoyanster
+1Alright thanks I’ll post it as unlisted @mikoyanster
+1I could reupload it with the fixed ejection seat if @mikoyanster gave me permission @dTitanplanesb
I got it to work. There’s a block above the detacher, and one of the connections on it is to the plane itself. It’s a long sloping block. Disconnect that and you’ll be good.@metallicplanes
This reminds me of the ‘50s-‘60s Mamod TE1A I have in my garage.
Ah yes asymmetrical planes go (in my case) boom
+1My neighbor owns one of these. Beautiful machines!
@MRpingouin Gallery did not appear. What has appeared is the quality of this build and thus a spotlight and upvote from me.
Oh no someone travelled back in time and left a bottle of vodka consumable only by Stalin himself.
+1Nuclear blimpile. Perfect platform to terrify enemies aside from Pigeon Missiles.
Wait a minute my laptop has 4gb of ram
A fellow cultural person :)
Chunky lad that everyone needs.
I was at a taco truck today. Took a long while. But hey I saw a Landy Series II so I can’t complain.
Flipity flap you get claps
+2V. Stab struts- that’s interesting!
Damn he thick! Lol great build I love how this thing is 11ft wide!
+1You definitely deserve it! :)
Congrats on silver!
Epically boatlike. Awesome build!
+2Set the piston to max length, it’s great.
I love these. Imo these are the best Supras. And they’re cheap too!
Welp here goes
(Edit) Oh it actually works well, hardly much lag.
(Edit 2) Don’t fire guns.
(Edit 3) K just crashed my game, don’t fly into water in a very rapid fashion.
You had my curiosity but now you have my attention.
+1Also I can’t imagine how much of a butthurt it was to make this
I wish I had a proper setup :) I have a ‘14 HP laptop. Works well enough. Can run SP with a ~1,500 part creation at like 35 frames or something. I also use it for school. The school gives us with these 5 year old POS Chromebooks and then gets angry at us for having crap video and mic quality. If you have more than one tab open whilst on a Zoom call the call says “High CPU usage is affecting meeting quality”. Sorry for the slight rant.
My neighbor bought an old Checker Taxicab. It’s pretty awesome!
Painfully smiles in P-40 AKA pig
+1Attack Tomate Ravioli-42
(Tomate=Tomato in French)
Thank you @TrainDude and @47parzival41 for upvoting!
Hey thanks man!
The waTer goes in The poT wiTh The Tea bag To make The Tea
Actually that was pointless I follow you.
Oh and I am blind lol I see the tagged comment now
Oh wow that is much less than I was expecting, I can run that!@Thecatbaron
Thanks! @Shnippy
That’s sweet! How many thousand parts will the full build be lol
Oh I was referring to the time it took you to build+upload lol @SuperRoto
Lol that’s a “quick round” @SuperRoto
My jokes are great.
P-91 Twin Thunder could be a good name! I love it!
+1Lol I like how simple this is but how realistic it looks
What is the funkytrees code for burst fire? I can see some uses for it.
Thanks @PoggersPoggersTheMan for spotlighting and upvoting!
Looks like a JU-52 and a DC-3 had a child with a spider. Lol good work! I like the round windows.
+1What do you mean, don’t go to elec-dying noises
+2Lol first game I had the imposter was hiding in the vent in electrical and killed me.
Also this crewmate be 20ft tall!
Thanks for spotlighting! @Subnerdica
Damn, why’d this not get any attention!? Great build!