Just posted my plane
@LunarEclipseSP thanks for the upvote
The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't
The wings remind me of tie fighters
I just posted a movie vehicle challenge. The deadline is January 10th
I posted a helicopter building challenge The deadline is December 10th
@winswings I posted a helicopter building challenge
I just posted a helicopter building challenge.
@MichavonPreussen You're welcome
Hey guys it's Trashbin84 I changed my name
happy birthday
@Goldside852 hola
Ok I thought is was yours. You made one and guyfolk made one and if forgot who's I downloaded
I posted a new one withe no wings this one still has the 2 little wings on the front
The successor says it was another pland made by me but the original ADFX-01 Morgan was made by @MrShenanigansSP
Still flies
2000 parts My phones dead lol
@LobsterBisque128 sorry i didn't see your comment i was busy for the last few weeks
i am changing the deadline to july 1st
anything if it is actually in the star wars universe (books, movies, shows, etc.)
@skykid028 you won.
Builds will be judged by how good they look and how well they fly or drive
welcome to sony airlines
@skykid028 Your helicopter look nice
I'll allow it
@winswings I will
Hello there
Should I change my name to TheBananaRepublic
The steering angle is set to 65
if you drive fast on the ramps in the jump zone you can kind of control it in the air
Just posted my plane
+2@LunarEclipseSP thanks for the upvote
+1The missile knows where it is at all times. It knows this because it knows where it isn't
+1The wings remind me of tie fighters
+1I just posted a movie vehicle challenge. The deadline is January 10th
+1I posted a helicopter building challenge
+1The deadline is December 10th
+1I posted a helicopter building challenge
I just posted a helicopter building challenge.
+1You're welcome
Hey guys it's Trashbin84 I changed my name
+1happy birthday
+1@Goldside852 hola
Ok I thought is was yours. You made one and guyfolk made one and if forgot who's I downloaded
I posted a new one withe no wings this one still has the 2 little wings on the front
The successor says it was another pland made by me but the original ADFX-01 Morgan was made by @MrShenanigansSP
Still flies
2000 parts
My phones dead lol
@LobsterBisque128 sorry i didn't see your comment i was busy for the last few weeks
i am changing the deadline to july 1st
anything if it is actually in the star wars universe (books, movies, shows, etc.)
@skykid028 you won.
Builds will be judged by how good they look and how well they fly or drive
welcome to sony airlines
Your helicopter look nice
I'll allow it
I will
Hello there
Should I change my name to TheBananaRepublic
The steering angle is set to 65
if you drive fast on the ramps in the jump zone you can kind of control it in the air