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All builds created on iPhone XR. Even though I can run my builds on my mobile device, yours may turn into a baked potato. Sorry not sorry.

Message me in a post comment for build requests.

Let me just say that XML and Finetuner are the biggest gamechanger for building on a mobile device. No matter how much time you invest in “making things work” or “doing your best” without these, there will be no comparing builds with and without. I was once afraid to use XML and Finetuner and slicing because they were new to me. All it takes is practice and experimentation. Using them in different ways and asking more experienced players are key. Don’t be afraid, take the big leap into the unknown.

NOW. Am I saying my builds are among the best? No, absolutely not. Just in the same way non mod users have a hard time competing with those who use mods, mobile mod users have a hard time competing with PC users. Everyone do your best and strive to learn something on every build. The final build is not the end all, it is what you learn along the way for future builds.

Previously known as CWhat016