150 YamatoImmelmann

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joined 6.8 years ago

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[Assaraamuaraikumu / W E L C O M E]

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My lovely ship when i was child - Yamato Hijab version

Illustrator : YamatoImmelmann


Welcome to "Sakutora Engineering". We have created variety of vehicles designed by "YamatoImmelmann". Soratora Company(Sakutora Engineering as per today) was founded 2 years ago. Unfortunately, we can not always make a new design for our vehicles due to our busy life. No need to worry, because we can design new vehicles based on your preferences.


[Origin Nickname]

What is "Sakutora" ? , Sakutora are named from "Sakura tora" , meaning for "Tiger Cherry blossom" , YamatoImmelmann is my favourit/Main nickname , taken by Greatest battleship in WW2 "Yamato" , Immelmann from legendary story pilot Germany during World-war.


[Our code Build]

Code Build - Main serial - sub serial - name (if there is)
*SJF-XX-XX = Sakutora Jet Fighters
*SJB-XX-XX = Sakutora Jet Bombers
*SJA-XX-XX = Sakutora Jet Attackers
*SJM-XX-XX = Sakutora Jet Multirole
*SPF-XX-XX = Sakutora Propellers Fighters
*SPB-XX-XX = Sakutora Propellers Bombers
*SPA-XX-XX = Sakutora Propellers Attacker
*SPM-XX-XX = Sakutora Propellers Multirole
*SJHB-XX-XX = Sakutora Jet Heavy Bombers
*SJMB-XX-XX = Sakutora Jet Medium Bombers
*SJLB-XX-XX = Sakutora Jet Light Bombers
*SPHB-XX-XX = Sakutora Propeller Heavy Bomber
*SPMB-XX-XX = Sakutora Propeller Medium Bomber
*SPLB-XX-XX= Sakutora Propeller Light Bomber
*Additional Code "C" = Carrier
SJX-XX = Sakutora Jet Experimental
SPX-XX = Sakutora Propeller Experimental
SAV-XX = Sakutora Armored Vechicle
SWS-XX = Sakutora Warships
SCV-XX = Sakutora Carrier Vessel

A Little my hopes