120 Yettiman00 Comments

  • Mi-24 4.1 years ago

    @SyntheticL I just checked your profile, and I absolutely love your work. I’ve actually taken a look at it before and I’ve downloaded many of your projects! Keep up the good work dude! I love all of them!!!! <3

  • Mi-24 4.1 years ago

    Thank you @SyntheticL . I really appreciate your support! I hope you have a good day :)

  • Mi-24 4.1 years ago

    @SyntheticL I like doing this, I enjoy what I’m doing and I don’t intend to stop, and I will admit that I’m not the best builder and I don’t have much time between work and school to build some myself. I’m sure your talented enough, but I’m not. But thank you for your criticism:)

  • Transport Vehicle with M2 Machine Gun 4.1 years ago

    @HeavyPlanesGuy I found it, and I thought it looked very nice. So I changed the colour to a nice green and reposted it hoping it would be used more :) my hope with this profile is to bring back older aircraft that newer players never got to experience