@Hedero Yea, but my tablets OS is very old and many games don't support it anymore, (Simple rockets 2) and this seemed like a big step for sp and was wondering if it increased android requirements, though it most likely didn't
@DeezDucks Yea I feel you with the teammates, Im stuck in bronze but I have a really high kd. But plat in casual is actually pretty good, thanks for talking for bit, its hard to find other siege players here. Gl with being a mod!
That is beautiful...
Yes! Can't wait for mobile!
I knew you'd say that, but dirt tracks are fun, you gotta admit
Laughs in NASCAR
I like 5.
Click @KfcGaming
M8, you still use discord? I wanna talk again just not through Sp
@Zanedavid Still rocking that same pfp, you're a legend man
Question, what is your pfp from?
@Nerfenthusiast I know its been over 2 years, but what discord lmao
Just keep it too yourself, until either you go their way or they ask you directly
Its beautiful
I can't say I can help with the problem, but damn that car looks good
This is very mis-leading
@rexzion Cries in mobile
@AWESOMENESS360 Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeze
pls delet the chain shall not be disturbed
@asteroidbook345 Same difference, But i am going to delete this to aid the chain
Wait, Im disrupting the chain
@Default4 Yes
Mainly because there are far more racist servers
Overeaction imo
@realSavageMan The mobile version is 3x as much as my phone can handle lol
And see if the issue is fixed, if not upload the plane unlisted and i'll try
Try 1,1,-5
Np, its a beautiful car
3 public and 10 unlisted
@Inuyasha8215 @rexzion '_'
@Hedero Yea, but my tablets OS is very old and many games don't support it anymore, (Simple rockets 2) and this seemed like a big step for sp and was wondering if it increased android requirements, though it most likely didn't
Looks good to me, Love the 32nd bomber one
Will this update be compatible with Android 4.4?
Its alright, if you need help feel free to ping me on an unlisted build!
@realSavageMan Indeed
@DeezDucks Yea I feel you with the teammates, Im stuck in bronze but I have a really high kd. But plat in casual is actually pretty good, thanks for talking for bit, its hard to find other siege players here. Gl with being a mod!
@DeezDucks Ah, Im an xbox player, Those are some good op picks tho, whats you highest rank? (If you play ranked)
Rainbow six!? I have a new favorite mod now, @DeezDucks What do you play on? Xbox, Ps4 or Pc? And congrats on getting mod!
Aircraft carrier...?
Joshua Ayres
You needed one more part...
@F1849 I totally don't main Ash
@F1849 No, I don't really main anyone, I just play who my team needs
The 2,300lb drone lol
Engine code aside thats the best goddamn vehicle i've ever seen, good job!
Good luck!
@Sarnnox Thanks!
You hate them for existing, nice