1,461 YourAverageAviator Comments

  • SPVR - Wasp 3.5 years ago

    I know it isn't an easy thing to do, but do you guys think that in a future update you can make smoke come off of the wings when you pull a lot of G's just like in real life? That'd be really cool to look back and see in VR.

  • Challenger-Class Guided Missile Destroyer 3.6 years ago

    lol do you expect us to be able to run this on our computers?

  • A portrait of Rick Astley 2.8 years ago

    L, I got an ad before it rickrolled me so I clicked off.

  • Help with C-17 Globemaster 2.2 years ago

    @HuskyDynamics01 thanks, this really helps a lot!

  • McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet 3.5 years ago

    Might just be me, but umm why do the wings fold the same direction?

  • Challenger-Class Guided Missile Destroyer 3.6 years ago

    I love that answer

  • Fairchild AC-119G Shadow 3.6 years ago

    I made the same plane recently and I am sad that it isn't on the "highest rated" page like this. The only difference between mine is that it doesn't have side guns and it has a less detailed cockpit. Nice plane!

  • Mcdonnell Douglas Dc-10/Md11 cockpit 3.9 years ago

    I take this as a challenge. I will comment on this again saying that I’m done. If you want to see it when I’m done, check my page.

  • Buff Noob (Roblox) 4.4 years ago

    Thanks me too. Roblox is the best. @Spectres

  • HotWheels Fast-Fortress 4.4 years ago

    Maybe a year ago, I saw this in my “hottest” category, and I downloaded it. It was awesome. Then, I make a build 1.2 years later, and this same guy upvotes my build! Man this is crazy seeing the same random person a year later. Gotta love this website.

  • Pixel painting Youmu Konpaku 4.6 years ago

    It doesn’t even fly. What’s the point? The game is called SimplePLANES not SimpleART. Just use an art app or something like srsly.

  • Pixel painting Youmu Konpaku 4.7 years ago


  • iPhone 7 Plus (Product)RED 4.7 years ago

    I bet you started this and by the time you finished it was already at iPhone eleven that’s how fast they put out new phones haha!

  • UsadaHeavyIndustries T-5A Multirole Trainer 4.9 years ago

    Bro imagine a trainer jet with bombs and rockets. Oh look! I found one!

  • Swept Wing Aircraft 4.9 years ago

    Also known as a MiG 17

  • Controllable Nuclear Missile 5.2 years ago

    It isn’t nuclear

  • How to stop drifting durning takeoff? 1.8 years ago

    @GrandmasterPotato oh that's actually a good solution I never thought of with the extra wheels, thanks!

  • HELP! 1.8 years ago

    @Laihela oh. Thanks! Well the deadweight was an attempt of me trying to replicate the plane’s real weight (which obviously didn’t help) but I appreciate the help

  • HELP! 1.8 years ago

    @Nomdef yeah I tried comparing the Centers of M, L, and T, to things like the P-51D made by Jundroo, but nothing worked. I am guessing it is because my plane weighs like 20 tons instead of like 9 like usual.

  • HELP! 1.8 years ago

    @CrazedSundance alright. Thanks anyways

  • HELP! 1.8 years ago

    @CrazedSundance why not? I think it must be something to do with the wings not getting enough lift, or just odd weight proportions. I am gonna keep tinkering with it and see what I can do

  • HELP! 1.8 years ago

    do any of you have solutions

  • C-17 Globemaster III 1.8 years ago

    @TheAirbusLover Thanks! I am not real proud of its controllability, but it seems pretty successful!

  • How to stop drifting durning takeoff? 1.8 years ago

    @GrandmasterPotato Did you ever find the solution? I am having the same problem right now on my Ju-87 D-5.

  • WW2 Era Late-War Fighter (NEEDS FIXED) 3.4 years ago

    Hey! if someone could please send the link to the fixed one, that'd be great. Thanks!

  • !portroyal 3.6 years ago


  • Douglas C-47 Skytrain 3.6 years ago

    Made one just like this a few weeks ago.

  • FV-SL 03 Jagenrau II 3.6 years ago

    She’s a speedy one lol. Great job! 👍

  • Douglas C-47 Dakota 3.6 years ago

    @Tang0five Thanks! I will use your advice on my next build. Got any suggestions?

  • Douglas C-47 Dakota 3.6 years ago

    @BigmacBaggins123 Thank you! yeah the thing is, I was thinking that you wouldn’t be dropping the crate at full speed, but around 140mph to 160mph it should be good to drop the crate. Maybe if I ever update this plane, I can increase the detachment force of the crate so it throws it out farther and doesn’t have a chance to hit the tail.

  • Douglas C-47 Dakota 3.6 years ago

    Hey guys! Thanks! I just want to say I’m sorry that the handling is dogshit, but I would compare it to something that beastly in size, so I’d say it fits it. Anyways, you guys got me to 1k points! You guys are absolute legends! If you follow my account, I will be posting more older planes from around ww2 if you want to get notifications. Also, I appreciate the upvotes! =D

  • Fairchild AC-119G Shadow 3.6 years ago

    yes, but how do you make the text in the description a different size?

  • Fairchild AC-119G Shadow 3.6 years ago

    by the way, how do you put images and different size text in your description for your plane?

  • Ar-236 'Der Donner' 3.7 years ago

    Thank you!

  • Ar-234 Prot. 1 3.7 years ago

    Thanks! It took quite a while to make.

  • UH-60 Blackhawk New (Spec Ops) 4.0 years ago

    I added a rope dispenser to the side so that the soldiers can slide down the side and deploy on the ground.

  • Colt M-16 4.0 years ago

    Because it shoots faster and sounds more like a real M-16

  • Kors K-36 Badger 4.2 years ago

    Yo thanks for the upvote

  • Modern Fighter Challenge 4.2 years ago

    If you guys want to see my plane for the challenge click my profile.

  • B757 MAX-7F 4.4 years ago

    Back gear don’t go up.

  • Dassult Mirage 2000 (Needs fixed) 4.4 years ago

    That is fine as long as you make it fly better.

  • Buff Noob (Roblox) 4.4 years ago

    @AWESOMENESS360 a year ago, I downloaded your hot wheels build. It is cool seeing you again in this vast website! And out of all the people, it’s you again!

  • Buff Noob (Roblox) 4.4 years ago

    I want to try to get this build to the magic number. Everyone that looks at this, please get the upvotes to 69. Thanks!

  • Buff Noob (Roblox) 4.4 years ago

    Idk why I made this, but thanks for the upvote. This has become more of a “Show of your artisticness” Website instead of a plane building website. Kind of sad in some way. Lol.

  • Old 4-Wheeler (Needs fixed) 4.4 years ago


  • A-10 LightningBolt 4.5 years ago

    Yeah I like it. Especially the cockpit. My favorite part,

  • ella 4.5 years ago


  • A-10 LightningBolt 4.5 years ago

    No offense but ew. If you are trying to copy it off of the A-10 it is terrible. But if you are making it not off of the real thing and it is fake, then it’s pretty cool.