@hypnotoad it went terribly, we only did one sim game and I did not even get off the ground, but not because I'm a bad pilot. Let's just say I got blown sky high.
@hypnotoad also, I just today got the first P-51 D Mustang in War Thunder so once I get used to it expect some simulator mode gameplay with it on my YouTube channel with a good friend and even better wingman. Because being an American and a plane enthusiast I have to have one right? Also, I don't think you could get more American than this skin so expect that too. http://www.nexusmods.com/warthunder/mods/23/?tab=3&selected_game=449&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fwarthunder%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D23%26user%3D1%26gid%3D449&pUp=1
@Scriefers I'm not sure if you saw my request but if you did sorry for the spam. Maybe try to make a p49 airacobra or p63 kingcobra? I know you're busy with lots of other requests and stuff but it's just an idea. Thank you for all the awesome planes you make, ZFM
http://gyazo.com/9244c0b2093d9ecc99839361a4f0583a lol, I chose a good time to check the SP website. I like it, nice job. also, I crashed into water and this happened... http://gyazo.com/e09651241bda48c677665a4280e02fb2
@hypnotoad you're welcome, thanks for helping. You're awesome.
@hypnotoad help this guy out, I cant build =P
Your CoM needs to be closer to your CoL
@Electra10 sorry but I suck at building but I can fly it for you. I will let you know what I think.
so much fun
@Stingray =)
@hypnotoad it went terribly, we only did one sim game and I did not even get off the ground, but not because I'm a bad pilot. Let's just say I got blown sky high.
@hypnotoad P51 D 30 simulator gameplay coming Soon™. I'm recording now.
@hypnotoad lol
awesome! great work!
Very nice energy retention but cant do a snap roll, wait what. too much war thunder. to put it plane and simple its very arrow dynamic =P
@hypnotoad =P
@hypnotoad also, I'm recording some test flights in the Mustang tonight. Going to be practicing maneuvers and stuff.
@hypnotoad yay, I'm a bird =p.
I can't believe this is a thing... it's amazing
@hypnotoad also, I just today got the first P-51 D Mustang in War Thunder so once I get used to it expect some simulator mode gameplay with it on my YouTube channel with a good friend and even better wingman. Because being an American and a plane enthusiast I have to have one right? Also, I don't think you could get more American than this skin so expect that too. http://www.nexusmods.com/warthunder/mods/23/?tab=3&selected_game=449&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fwarthunder%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D23%26user%3D1%26gid%3D449&pUp=1
@hypnotoad why would I not? =P
@hypnotoad no, thank you. Thank you for making this community very respectful and kind
@hypnotoad =) =) =) =)
Holy cow this is amazing.
Again, I'm broken
This is just awesome, I love it. great work
Please don't stop being good at that's, it's so cool
Handles very nice for its size
I'm Broken...
what is life?
Dude you are just awesome at making planes, it blows my mind. Please keep it up.
@Scriefers great thank you, and you don't need to do both.
I love it. awsome
Awesome, the things hurts like hell in War Thunder
Russia u wut?
@hypnotoad lol sorry about that =P
Wow... this is something else, absolutely amazing
I like it. Nice work
@Scriefers I'm not sure if you saw my request but if you did sorry for the spam. Maybe try to make a p49 airacobra or p63 kingcobra? I know you're busy with lots of other requests and stuff but it's just an idea. Thank you for all the awesome planes you make, ZFM
Awesome job, the stuff you make just blows my mind. I love it.
@Vikdesigns no sir, can't wait to see what you have to offer.
@Mkenz lol, at least I can fly damn well =P
http://gyazo.com/9244c0b2093d9ecc99839361a4f0583a lol, I chose a good time to check the SP website. I like it, nice job. also, I crashed into water and this happened... http://gyazo.com/e09651241bda48c677665a4280e02fb2
@Mkenz lol I know how it feels, I'm the one test flying his planes, I don't feel worthy, I can't even build well.
@Spelaren it's a little lacking on roll, that's all I can think of, I really love this little thing.
Amazing, awesome job.
I like it, nice job
@hypnotoad the yaw is awesome, nice job
I like it. nice work
@hypnotoad ok, cant wait
I love it I love it I love it. Great work.
Amazing, you nailed the looks