@LUPIN thank you for the upvote, you are also on my friends list Click Here to see your name is under the section "More Friends 17" you weren't on this "Thank you banner" but you will definitely be on the next one when and if I hit 150k. Thanks again LUPIN ! Z 😺
@MrCOPTY yeah, it's painful when people use a HUD but don't program it.... I mean just one line (HudDisrance 1.7089) will put degree lines on the HUD. Makes my OCD go off... lol..Z 😬
@Strucker Oh cool, you saw your name. Most people don't. One day when / if I hit 150k you will also see your name on my "Thank you banner" Click here for my last one Thanks again lol.. Z 😺
@winswings Win , did you see the "Nav Com" that shows you where every location is ? And there is a needle in the compass that will point to the location as it is selected ? This plane should place WAY above mine in the 96 part contest or I'm calling for a vote of "No Confidence" in the officials judging the competition...... Lol..... Z 😺 seriously, this plane is "Bad a$$"
Next, put * on both sides of your sentence with no spaces, and watch What happens ! Then put 2 * on both sides of your sentence, then try 3 **.... It will change the font.
@TheTomatoLover I'm so glad you took the time to fly it. I'm really proud of all the little things like Auto flaps and other little tidbits. Again thanks for flying it ! Z 😺
@Shugie Absolutely ! I just saw that your aircraft and spotlighted it and upvoted it. Please copy me on ALL of your builds if it's not too much trouble. Your bud Z 😺
@TheTomatoLover Thanks bud. Been sleeping mostly for 10 days now. Feeling better. Tested negative Monday. One more day of sleep & going back to work Friday. Thanks again. Covid was NO kind of fun. No more shaking hands w customers..... Z 😺
@LUPIN No problem bud ! Stay safe and healthy.... Z 😺
+1A landing gear warning light ? Hmmm I wonder where that came from Here maybe ? Lol
+1This plane is Screaming "Put a cockpit in me & I would be perfect !" Lol. Z 🙀
+1I tried every trick I could think of to stop that rear Gunner from damaging the plane. Complete failure 🥺
+1@LUPIN thank you for the upvote, you are also on my friends list Click Here to see your name is under the section "More Friends 17" you weren't on this "Thank you banner" but you will definitely be on the next one when and if I hit 150k. Thanks again LUPIN ! Z 😺
+16600 points ? ! God you suck Win........ Lol.... 😂 Z 🙀
+1Clint Eastwood rocks "Dirty Harry"
+1@MrCOPTY yeah, it's painful when people use a HUD but don't program it.... I mean just one line (HudDisrance 1.7089) will put degree lines on the HUD. Makes my OCD go off... lol..Z 😬
+1@Dracul0Anderson Thanks bud
+1@WinsWings Win, can you spare a spotlight for my new bud @Ilovepurplesheeps
+1@Mason08 @Emma159 @ZerkkZxeSP
+1@Strucker Oh cool, you saw your name. Most people don't. One day when / if I hit 150k you will also see your name on my "Thank you banner" Click here for my last one Thanks again lol.. Z 😺
+1@winswings Win , did you see the "Nav Com" that shows you where every location is ? And there is a needle in the compass that will point to the location as it is selected ? This plane should place WAY above mine in the 96 part contest or I'm calling for a vote of "No Confidence" in the officials judging the competition...... Lol..... Z 😺 seriously, this plane is "Bad a$$"
+1@shenzerbenzer09 You bet bud ! I added you to my friends list Click here to find your name You're in the section called "More Friends 18" lol. Z 😺
+1Those pics are fantastic. Especially the one with the instruments shining from the sun. Z 🤩
+1@MrCOPTY Good stuff !
+1Here come the successor points ! Whoop whoop ! Lol. Z😺
+1We are a very friendly community, just ask any one of us for help and we will help you. Z lol 😺
+1Next, put * on both sides of your sentence with no spaces, and watch What happens ! Then put 2 * on both sides of your sentence, then try 3 **.... It will change the font.
+1In your description try adding one of these to the beginning of your sentence # then add ## and see what happens. then add ### then ####
+1Also, be sure to add "TAGS" to your builds (upper right) this can be done after the fact, it will help people find your builds. Z 😺
+1@Nasafan9999 @Dragoranos @TheTomatoLover
+1@Mason08 @Emma159 @ZerkkZxeSP
+1Win, My OCD goes nuts when you leave the camera on in your cockpit 🥺
+1@TheTomatoLover I'm so glad you took the time to fly it. I'm really proud of all the little things like Auto flaps and other little tidbits. Again thanks for flying it ! Z 😺
+1@WinsWings every time I want to spotlight your builds ....... I can't.... It's just not fair I tell you...... lol... Z 🙀
+1@Majakalona Done !
+1Happy belated birthday ! Z 🙀
+1Boom... spotlight ! Z 🙀
+1@winswings Win, this will actually take off and land in the water without damaging the propellers ? ! Go figure... Z 🙀
+1It really lands and takes off from the water ! I thought for sure the propellers were going to break. GREAT PLANE shenzerbenzer09 !
+1@Shugie Absolutely ! I just saw that your aircraft and spotlighted it and upvoted it. Please copy me on ALL of your builds if it's not too much trouble. Your bud Z 😺
+1@MoHoJIT Yeppers Z😺
+1@TheTomatoLover Thanks bud. Been sleeping mostly for 10 days now. Feeling better. Tested negative Monday. One more day of sleep & going back to work Friday. Thanks again. Covid was NO kind of fun. No more shaking hands w customers..... Z 😺
+1So fun......
+1@DDVC @MrCOPTY @UnfairchildFH227
+1@Nasafan9999 @Dragoranos @TheTomatoLover
+1@SPAircraftOfficial @FoxG @WinsWings
+1@sus232 @Mistral @CrazedSundance
+1@ThatRandomCouchPotato @WisconsinStatePolice @LunarEclipseSP
+1Guys, this is awesome ! Take off then use trim !
+1@WaltySimplePlanes69 lol
+1@Nasafan9999 @Dragoranos @TheTomatoLover
+1@VoidGuardian Get to the Choppa ! That's hilarious I totally get it... Z 🤣
+1How fun !
+1@Dracul0Anderson @guyfolk is the PSM Master, he taught me everything I know (Just enough to be dangerous) Lol, he is the best, nicest guy...... Z 🤒
+1How long have you been at 10K ? If I didn't say congratulations, I'm saying it now Congratulations ! ! Z 🤒