193k Zaineman Comments

  • PSM Zaineman 1.3 years ago

    You guys are so nice. Thank you. It means a lot to me. Z 😹

  • Zaineman sings "Baby Shark" 8 months ago

    OMG this is great ! Lmao Z 😹

  • Boeing 747-100 "City of Everett" Prototype 2.7 years ago

    FYI, a user named speedboi503 literally posted this as his own. Also he did the same with a car. His first and only 2 builds are someone else's work...... :(. Z

  • Zaineman when no PSM 9 months ago

    This is hilarious ! Z😹

  • Digital Dashboard Gauges 9 months ago

    @MAPA @winswings @50calchicken , guys, how did we miss this post ? Take a close look. There's a speed and altitude gauge done in digital but laid out in analog. It's over to the right. Also to the left the radar that sweeps left and right does not need any programming in the variables. normally there's an error message that says "alpha" at the bottom of the screen without variable programming. I'm going to use so many of these on my next build. Z 😺

  • Average Semi 10 months ago

    How did I miss this ? It is Great ! Z😺

  • PSM F-14 Tomcat ! 1.4 years ago

    @Graingy LOL, it's not a "Rainbow"🌈 , it's a "Multicolored killing device" "Taste the rainbow" it's from a Skittles commercial. lol Z 😎

  • Colonel Relford's Imperial Defender 1.5 years ago

    @winswings @icecraftgaming @50calchicken guys this is great, First slide VTOL up (a little, lol ), then gently slide trim up just a few degrees. So cool, wait and see..... Z 🙀 I already used up my spotlights again.....🥺

  • J10-B modern vector engine 1.5 years ago

    @winswings @icecraftgaming @50calchicken Guys, please join me in supporting Spee. This is a fun plane to fly, fight (especially the Clevers), and it lands like a daisy. Can we show a little love to my new friend Spee

  • Airborne Tactical PSM Pencil 1.8 years ago

    @CrazedSundance Please read description. Lol Z 😺

  • Smirnov SM-32 2.0 years ago

    @winswings @icecraftgaming @WisconsinStatePolice Please fly, enjoy, upvote & spotlight.. thank you Zaine :) 👍

  • The Thunderbolt 2.0 years ago

    Nice work Rework. Did you have to manually do all those edits to match the music ? Did you find or use a short cut ? How long did this take to make ? It's very good. @winswings @Panzerwaifu69 @Australianbulider676

  • Su33 (violent modification) 2.3 years ago

    Win, you MUST try this ! It is so easy to fly ! Activate 1 to take off (change cameras to see the entire plane. It's so Wizard ! ! ) Then deactivate 1 to start normal forward flight. The builder @54188145254188cnm Nailed it Win. I spotlighted him. @winswings

  • F/A XX - CONCEPT 2.7 years ago

    This is a beautiful Aircraft that brings so much to the table. The cockpit, the design, bay doors. It is a shame you did not put in the variables to make the HUD work properly. Pull the HUD and variables out of anyone of my planes just give credit to Guyfolk. Meanwhile, I'm still spotlighting and upvoting your wonderful aircraft. Z ; )

  • Holographic projection probe 2.7 years ago

    how come there are 443 downloads (right now) yet only 94 upvotes. It's the one thing about this game that annoys me.

  • Self Balancing Adventure Bike 2.8 years ago

    @winswings @wingsiron @OnlyRealCarrot Press 1 to un crash. It took me a while but it was a lot of fun

  • Zaineman sings "Baby Shark" 8 months ago

    The funniest part of this post are the comments. They're hilarious ! Z😸

  • F-86 (simple) 8 months ago

    @f80shootingstarlover @Rjenteissussy @Superliner350 new player started just a few minutes ago. Please welcome them....Z😺

  • WHAT IS LOVE,BABY DON'T HURT ME DON... 8 months ago

    @Winswings Win, I used up my spotlights for the day, but I'll be back for this post. First go down in the comments and click the "non-suspicious link" listen for about 30 seconds, then download this build, launch it, and watch the movement, I'm probably going to make a video. Z 😸

  • Does anyone have @Blueshift builds left? 10 months ago

    The only Blueshift content I have is click here

  • BlackMosquito one year ago

    @50calchicken @icecraftgaming @420IsMyGod Hey, 50, 420, & Ice, I was asked to try to help this new member of our community get some more points. Would you be kind enough to help ? Thanks z😺

  • F4X-B Archangel one year ago

    This aircraft is simply the best I ever seen in Simple Planes

  • Minecraft Village Maywar 1.3 years ago

    @CalabooseCal I know, us poor android users...I use a tablet... I feel your pain....Z 😿

  • Maxwells Private L1011 Tristar 1.3 years ago

    @ChamDel78 "Press the button if you hate the L-1011 Tristar" lmao, that was funny. I pressed the like button first. I laughed so hard. Z 😹

  • CM-15 Colomban Cri-Cri [FULL EXPERIENCE] 1.5 years ago

    @WinsWings I saw that on TV ..., crazy.....

  • CM-15 Colomban Cri-Cri [FULL EXPERIENCE] 1.5 years ago

    @WinsWings How are you Win ? How is the family ?

  • TheCaper's F/87X "Thunder" 1.5 years ago

    @ThatRandomCouchPotato @WisconsinStatePolice @LunarEclipseSP

  • I made AI pilot eject 1.5 years ago

    Nice vid. Your vids are always great. Z 🤧

  • SHT-4 DARK PALADIN 1.5 years ago

    Please take a moment to Click Here and find your name added to the bottom of my top friends list. You will find your name, avatar photo and one of your pics (LIQUIDATOR II) as well. :) I would like to add a gif but it must be under 1mg (loading time , you understand) At your convenience please send me a link to the gif you would like associated with your name. Very best , your bud Z 🤧 thanks for the upvotes ! 😺

  • CaperAeronautics F/87X/ "Thunder" 1.6 years ago

    I spotlighted this build (late...sorry) I can't believe I wasn't following you already we have all the same friends. Anyways, I'm following you now and added your name to my friends list Click Here your name is at the bottom (don't read into that. Lol ) Z 😺

  • F4 PHANTOM 1.9 years ago

    @Wada, you're killing me with this "Cockpit view" you need to remember to turn the cockpit camera OFF. Then, put an actual camera in the front of the aircraft. It's so frustrating looking through a camera with a giant piece of fuselage smack dab right in the middle of you view. You're better than this WADA. (Spotlighted ✓ Upvoted ✓)

  • End Island 1.9 years ago

    Will this work on Android ?

  • HUD 1P free to use (by dhtv587) 2.0 years ago

    @winswings Win, use the pilot view where you can see the HUD, maybe even zoom in a bit. Then nose dive straight towards the ground. An emergency arrow will pop up indicating that you're going to hit the ground. It's priceless. You should spotlight if you have one to spare. Z :)

  • Can you imagine this ? 2.1 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming yeah, can you imagine if one person / organization paid for all the plane tickets, cars to get people to their respective airports, not to mention the cost to bring maybe mom or dad too because some players are minors. I just think it would be some much fun to walk up to someone and say "Holy crap , you're Icecraftgaming ! ! "

  • How To Make A Custom Landing Gear (Super Simple) 2.2 years ago

    @DARZAVIATIONOFICIAL This is VERY good. If I could change anything, I wish it were possible for you to Zoom in on the changes you were making in the programming. But, I'm thinking that you did this on a PC and it may have been impossible. But seriously, you did a great job, Z :)

  • F-64-A2 Crowhawk 2.2 years ago

    @Panzerwaifu69 @IAlsoBuildPlane @FirstFish83828 Guys, have you seen this build ? It's criminal how many upvotes and spotlights this plane has gotten. Can you please try the plane, (Hud is so cool, + PSM) , then spotlight, then upvote and spread the word. Thanks guys

  • F-64-A2 Crowhawk 2.2 years ago

    @Winswings @FatPilotOne @WisconsinStatePolice Guys, have you seen this build ? It's criminal how many upvotes and spotlights this plane has gotten. Can you please try the plane, (Hud is so cool, + PSM) , then spotlight, then upvote and spread the word. Thanks guys

  • Su-34a4 Frog Skin 2.2 years ago

    @winswings @icecraftgaming @Aarav can you guys help our friend w some spotlights and some upvotes. He is a relatively new player who made a PSM aircraft.

  • Building an Tupolev TU-154 Mobile-friendly 2.3 years ago

    Good Lord...... Tag me please...Z ;)

  • FA-37 Gray Wolf 2.3 years ago

    First, I spotlighted & upvoted this build. It's incredible. With that being said, I found something you would want to fix. The joystick doesn't work. So VR players can't enjoy your sweet aircraft. After I hooked up the joystick to the joystick base it still wouldn't work. So I had to remove all the connections on the joystick base & joystick. Once that was done, it worked great. Otana, I know you would want to know this. Your friend Zaineman ;) ps sweet cockpit, melted my tablet. Lol

  • Zaine chasing me in points 2.3 years ago

    Win and I were close in points and then he just took off like a missile and I haven't been able to catch up since !

  • IA Raycaster: Sprites! 2.5 years ago

    Castle Wolfenstein ! ! !

  • Sukhoi Su-27 Flanker (Simple) 2.6 years ago

    @MrCarrot @WolfHunter9111 @50CalChicken Guys, meet JavierWorks he is a friend of mine. Z ;)

  • High Alpha Research Vehicle (F-18 HARV) 2.6 years ago

    First, Upvoted & Spotlighted. The cockpit is just outstanding (thanks for adding variables so the hud works, so many people don't) I'm so jealous of the pinstripes (genius) My ONLY complaint is, I wish it was more snappy and controllable in PSM mode. For example, let's say Im pitching the aircraft backwards making it spin. When I pitch forward to make it stop, it feels like I'm "Too late" and it continues to spin backwards another 180° before it stops. Please don't think I'm knocking your build. Nothing could be further from the truth. I'm going to send you a private link to show you what im building and what i mean

  • First Try ! 2.6 years ago

    @Panzerwaifu69 @sus232 @IceCraftGaming Thank for the kind words you guys. It really means a lot to me. I'm getting ready to publish Version 3 of my plane. (The private link is in the comments here. Check it out.) I removed the entire middle of the aircraft and rebuilt it. Guyfolk states "Congratulations Zaine, You've build your first post-stall-maneuver capable aircraft lol." Anyways thanks for always having my back guys ! Z ; )

  • Available radar 2.7 years ago

    You have officially beaten me (self proclaimed Radar King) my only complaint is, it is HUGE. Not the length, i get that, but the circle itself would take up more than half of the modern cockpit. I tried to scale it down myself (yes, i selected every part) and even used baby steps, 1% at a time with no luck. PLEASE make it smaller or give a choice of 3 sizes (this being large) medium and small to come. Again NICE WORK ! Z ; )

  • Interceptor PLANE ver 2 Smoother Turning 2.7 years ago





    Comment of the month goes to @MrCopty

  • Interview For Zaineman 2.8 years ago

    1) No 2) yes 3) what is Rick Rolled ? 4) I saw the first Top Gun but I will not see the second because I don't like Tom Cruise and I refuse to see any of his movies. 5) Yes, Hawaiian pizza kicks ass !

  • XFA-110 ''Maelstrom II'' 2.8 years ago

    This is nothing short of Incredible. I wish I could spotlight it....but I don't have enough points. : ( You should consider putting a cockpit in this. It would be the icing on the cake.
