@breitling definitely!! I wish there was more backstory behind the cause of invasion, like there is some, like why do the blue ones get to control reality? is it like a Wormhole?! augh tOm cRuiSe GiVe mE a seQuAl
One of the most intensifying movies that messes with your brain. I loved this movie. Great work, now all that’s next is to add each of the exo suits to the paratroopers to get 2,000 parts!
It’s funny, when I first started uploading...I used to see your ranks as being how popular you were, like a YouTuber, and that you just were on a different level...but I like that people can come together no matter the rank or status,
Well @randomusername ‘s build quality is immensely better too, he’s got experience which helps, and even though I got 2.1 years on me I still consider myself new @Thelegitpilot13
I suppose, I had a hard time designing in the beginning, I didn’t have many options back then haha, and I still have problems coming up with new ideas. @Tarquez
Yo I hope This doesn’t offend you but Ive created a boat and uploaded it with the name Silverlight not knowing. Wasn’t trying to copy the name. This is way better than mine anyway!!
@Thelegitpilot13 ey!! Thanks for the spotlight my guy!!!
+1The green eyes haha this is low key nightmare fuel
+1shoots rudder
+1True haha but I don’t have a pc to use o-wait a second my college computer!@Flash0of0green
+1These are all good points, thank you @Thelegitpilot13 @kerothehero
+1@breitling definitely!! I wish there was more backstory behind the cause of invasion, like there is some, like why do the blue ones get to control reality? is it like a Wormhole?! augh tOm cRuiSe GiVe mE a seQuAl
+1Me: I can hear images
+1Teacher: no you can’t
Me: @EliteArsenals24
One of the most intensifying movies that messes with your brain. I loved this movie. Great work, now all that’s next is to add each of the exo suits to the paratroopers to get 2,000 parts!
+1When everyone’s pimpin out awesome mods and iOS users just be stuck with the basics
+1tHeReS aN iNtEriOr, seriously wish there were more tanks with them...awesome work btw!
+1Oh...I’m sorry, that sucks, I’m no longer by the ocean, I’ve moved up to Michigan...you’ll see it eventually don’t worry @randomusername
+1sees when player joined
sees points
eXcUsE mE, wHaT?
For real you deserve it though this is a really good build!
+1I’ve done serious research and there is no documentation on the Yamato Shipwreck...like no photos of it underwater...nothing....cool build btw lol
+1It’s funny, when I first started uploading...I used to see your ranks as being how popular you were, like a YouTuber, and that you just were on a different level...but I like that people can come together no matter the rank or status,
Thank you :)
+1@randomusername @Thelegitpilot13
Wait why?! @randomusername
+1I grew up with the ocean so it really kinda clicked when I saw it...I am 19 @randomusername
+1Well @randomusername ‘s build quality is immensely better too, he’s got experience which helps, and even though I got 2.1 years on me I still consider myself new @Thelegitpilot13
+1Ah ok, being opposite isn’t bad tho...right?
You and your Moana lol, that is a good movie tbh @randomusername
+1iPhone 12: just camera and screen @AWESOMENESS360
+1The Prometheus walks among us!!!!!
+1How so? Do you know what you want to build? @randomusername
+1Well ok I took it genuinely and it says I’m like a meditationist(?) introvert and intuitive@randomusername
+1Get upvoted on!
+1( that was supposed to come off as harsh)
Good job my guy!!
dOsEnT uSe tRaCk mOd
Haha walking is now prohibited @Tarquez
+1This looks sweet!
+1Ok look, this looks amazing but that gyroscope roll allowance tho
+1Same but on iOS @Stormfur
+1I suppose, I had a hard time designing in the beginning, I didn’t have many options back then haha, and I still have problems coming up with new ideas. @Tarquez
+1That lower glacis tho 👀
+1Thank you!! I’ll admit I used someone’s XML wings but I don’t know who’s haha @Tarquez
+1@Tarquez thank you for the spotlight!
+1Hyuge Beautiful
+1All of tank builders: itS tHe nEw tReNd
+1Oh yeah dude I pre ordered that as soon as I could I’m so hyped @Tarquez
+1It'd be super cool if there was something at like 32083ft, like the space station
Either way nice build!
+1Yesss!! That popped in my head while making this haha@Thelegitpilot13
+1Thank you @randomusername
+1So...what will you do now? You have very high potential...I’m looking forward to seeing more.
+1Lol Nicky and Andrew have already raided 51 @Chancey21 @SuperSix
+1All ya’ll be flexin with these ridiculous part count battleships. For real though this looks beautiful but I’m iOS so I can’t download :(
+1If mobile included everything the desktop version had...my phones storage would be wiped out...@JamesBoA
+1Presses simple planes app:
Phone: zero FPS
+1That would be awsome but it might lag a lot for mobile users...@Stormfur
+1Yo I hope This doesn’t offend you but Ive created a boat and uploaded it with the name Silverlight not knowing. Wasn’t trying to copy the name. This is way better than mine anyway!!
+1GrEaT ScOtT!!
+1I find this tank very attractiv- Nice job!!
+1@TUNDERTEAM Spotlight I mean
+1@TUNDERTEAM thank you for the highlight!
+1Flip phones are making a comeback, the prophecy has begun