lol! its so cool!
@zzoop thanks☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ
@Uncel There are too many parts in this chariot. Tomorrow I will try to reduce some parts and add more details and functions:)@Uncel
@Uncel This is just a draft
@Uncel That's really great Thank u very much
@Uncel Thanks for compliment
@Uncel @OPaiTaOn It's not finished yet, it's just a draft :P
This is great!
lol! its so cool!
@zzoop thanks☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ
@Uncel There are too many parts in this chariot. Tomorrow I will try to reduce some parts and add more details and functions:)@Uncel
@Uncel This is just a draft
@Uncel That's really great Thank u very much
@Uncel Thanks for compliment
@Uncel @OPaiTaOn It's not finished yet, it's just a draft :P
This is great!