@WEEB Can I get permission to make a ground attack version of this and upload it? it will have the modifications of; self ejecting rocket pods (rocket pods that ejects themselves after the rockets are all fired) ,fixed rudder ,likely ejection seats, ETC
+1@WEEB Can I get permission to make a ground attack version of this and upload it? it will have the modifications of; self ejecting rocket pods (rocket pods that ejects themselves after the rockets are all fired) ,fixed rudder ,likely ejection seats, ETC
+1@LunarEclipseSP now I finally know why that happens
+1@LunarEclipseSP yeah I have been trying for the past month
+1@LunarEclipseSP how do you make your text like bigger letters and all blue?
+1I don’t know why but my IPad always crashes on your Yamato builds
+1I finally have a aircraft to go against me in my f82 saber
+1@Majakalona oh
+1@Graingy oh thanks for the info
+1@Graingy wait Monarchii is on a break?
+1@Majakalona where did you find this?
+1I thought you were stuck in the mouse trap for the past few days
+1Wow this is nice
+1@LoganTheGameDev congratulations
+1@Yeap2006 oh so that is what happened
+1@Yeap2006 I stopped adding ejection seats to planes because I am too lazy now
+1@Yeap2006 everything on this is great especially the ejection seat
+1Thank you for creating this great fighter
+1Is Themouse still stuck in the mousetrap?
+1@Majakalona imma be honest here I am not risking it here
+1@Majakalona Yeah
+1@Majakalona dang so I put myself in immediate danger if I download this with my potato IPad
+1@Majakalona what computer or device do you use?
+1@Monarchii oh thanks for the information
+1@LunarEclipseSP oh ok Thank you so much for the information
+1@Majakalona I swear I saw Andrew In my nightmare once
+1@Alternation I know
+1@IanDS do you mind if I take most of the details off to make a sorta mobile friendly version of this vehicle?
+1@Majakalona I found out when I was just checking it out on my crappy laptop
+1Yeah I just now found out what this button does
+1@LunarEclipse Wait these are MABUR’s aircrafts? I never knew that
+1@TheMouse The website doesn’t allow me to create a forum currently
+1@TheMouse I can’t post the forum currently. So should I post it here temporarily?
+1@TheMouse but does my link on this post work?
+1@Graingy @TheMouse @PPLLAANNEE @Randomplayer @FOXHOUND26 @SILVERPANZER am I allowed to upload vehicles that are from accounts that are deleted?
+1@TheMouse yeah some jellyfishes can actually live forever
+1Mario cart
+1Nice build
+1@Airloft Baguette
+1I feel like I have Been Living under a rock but what is “[pea]”?
+1Let’s say I wanted to make a flash bang
+1@Majakalona oh
+1@Majakalona in this
+1@Majakalona Thank you so much for teaching me how to add a workable link, and a photo
+1@TheMouse how many were you at man
+1This is great!