15 Zplanemaker Comments

  • Droplet 6.2 years ago

    Oml I feel like the only person here who actually knows what this is. So a couple of years ago I downloaded this thing and was like, “Eh, it’s cool.” Then a month or so ago, I was reading the second book in the three body problem series (Absolutely amazing books, seriously recommend them) and I ran across a scene (WARNING, SPOLIERS) where the earth’s space fleet had intercepted an alien vessel that resembled a droplet and was made of some sort of Quantum Material beyond human understanding. The “droplet” then suddenly started accelerating to unimaginable speeds and ramming straight through the earth’s huge spacecraft like they were made of butter. The thing rammed straight through every one of earth’s ships, which tried to shoot it down with nuclear ammunition and lasers which did absolutely nothing to the droplet, and after half an hour the entirety of earth’s space fleet was turned to rubble and dust. So that’s what this little build is, much appreciation to JoshuaW for making it, cheers!

  • Pod Racer- Battering Acid 7.0 years ago

    Do you need the most trusted battery in your pod-racer? Maybe not. Maybe you can trust the racer in 4th place to not have concealed weapons in his ride. Maybe you can trust your mechanic to not accidentally invert the controls. Maybe you can trust the rich people in town not to rig the race. Or you could just trust Duracell.

  • Laser Guided Missiles 6.0 years ago

    @14ROVI thank you!

  • Laser Guided Missiles 6.1 years ago

    @14ROVI Ive got a problem with my missiles. When I launch the missiles while the laser guidance system is off, they zigzag in place right after being launched. The thing is, they do the same thing when the laser is on, and im pretty sure thats not supposed to happen. any advice?

  • Aerospace Engineer Bundle 6.2 years ago

    @SledDriver You play Warthunder? Very cool. Who else here is a WarThunder boi?

  • Sierpinski Triangle 6.9 years ago

    @greasyturtle trick question there are an infinite amount of triangles in a true Sierpinski triangle!

  • Tips for newer users, 7.2 years ago

    Yay! @KDS thanks for all the advice really appreciate it since I’m pretty new.