@KingDeadshot I have found that by adding fuel tank to the missiles i attached it on the front wheels at 100% deattach power enabling it with button 4 it was really fun
@KingDeadshot i need your help in the project transformer it is not walking poz help me if you can we can develop it together add weapons and more speed so plz reply thankyou very much
@JacobHardy64 I am very bad in decorating as you can see
@KingDeadshot I am waiting to download your next plane
Bling bling
@PlanesOfOld @WalrusAircrat @Teus check out mine optimus prime v2
@Diaroz check out mine optimus prime v2
I think you have a good IQ
@PlanesOfOld This was not copying i flew it around
A true work of art
@KingDeadshot when a user reaches gold
@JacobHardy64 Are you playing with it
@JacobHardy64 Now works also great lol
@KingDeadshot you will surely reach gold
Thankyou very much i would not make it up without your help @KingDeadshot thanx for your support
Thnx @JacobHardy64 i made it a true transformer
A badass transformer for @hypnotoad @StealthBomber @KingDeadshot
@KingDeadshot I have added missiles works in both car and robot pos. But use it wisely
Should i add weapons to it
@KingDeadshot I have found that by adding fuel tank to the missiles i attached it on the front wheels at 100% deattach power enabling it with button 4 it was really fun
@KingDeadshot I nead your help how we get explosion in missiles
Thnx @hypnotoad @StealthBomber
@KingDeadshot I dont think they would check it out but thank you for your response
@hypnotoad @StealthBomber @PlanesOfOld check out my fast and walking optimus prime https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/DeQT4H/optimus-prime-v1
@KingDeadshot what do you think should i add weapons but no one is apriciating itit :( i am very sad i worked a lot on this
@KingDeadshot i am going to shut down this project because i didnt saw a good response :(
@KingDeadshot I have made yet another wich is fast and walkswalks very good
Very easy bro (failed 10 times)
Great colour combination
Thnx @KingDeadshot
At least comment
Plz rate
@hypnotoad You are a king awesome designs
Very futuristic
No one rated it is it not good pkz tell
This one is fully functional so enjoy sorry for long instructions :)
If you want me to add weapons let me know
@PlanesOfOld You are genius man
Wow great work mine transformer still having problems in walking so i understand how difficult was this project for you i bow down to you man :)
Thnx @KingDeadshot
@JacobHardy64 my dream was making it walk but i think it will not happen it is damn difficult then i will improve hands
@JacobHardy64 @KingDeadshot thanks both of you
@JacobHardy64 Would you like to me on my project transformer v4. 2 and v5. 1 i am searching for right guys i also found one @KingDeadshot
If anybody here can help it will be a reward for me on project transformer v4.2
@PlanesOfOld hey can you help me in my project transformer v4. 2 if you are good in rotators it is not walking
@hypnotoad Ok dude
@hypnotoad ok its fine i am searching the right buddy i am tototal noob in airplanes
@hypnotoad it is having problems in walking it works fine in car pos and in transforming if you decide to help me then download transformer v4.1
@hypnotoad Man can you help me with my project transformer (real one)
@KingDeadshot i need your help in the project transformer it is not walking poz help me if you can we can develop it together add weapons and more speed so plz reply thankyou very much
@KingDeadshot thankyou very much plz vheck mine transformer its the latest project i am working on
Thanks KingDeadshot plz chek the transformer