195 aegisraptor01 Comments

  • RX-0 Unicorn 5.2 years ago

    @Starlight No, no, no. Do not apologize - I was just amazed by the part count.

  • RX-0 Unicorn 5.2 years ago

    886 parts and made on Android?! I can't download this since my android phone is crap (can only run 200 parts smoothly, and any amount above it then it will start to lag). Great work, regardless! I'm gonna upvote it instead.

  • Hydra II 6.5 years ago

    @Progamer04kev Glad you liked it!

  • Hydra II 6.5 years ago

    @BaconRoll Thanks!

  • EscortEnemy 7.1 years ago

    @lancelot3340 Late for upvoting your work. ^_^

  • EscortEnemy 7.2 years ago

    Since I used this as a base of a work of mine, I better upvote this! Sorry for being late, though.