It was easy to make @tsampoy I spent like 5 minutes on this, still wondering about those 17 upvotes.
Here you are bronze!
Yeah I also made Su-47 look in my highlighted.
Can you help me with paint later? @phanps
I think R 245, G 173 and B 87 is better @Jengstrom
The lighter one @DisferGoatz
Ohhh! I can't imagine SP without mods!! It was hard i think @Alienbeef0421
I was trying but it was too much problems with power
I am in!
Thanks @jamesPLANESii
:C @DerekSP
Np @FlyingThings
Np @Jukkelus
Maybe this?
Mine can handle DeLorean and I have android.
Here you are bronze
I can too but your plane will be very shaky, laggy, and will be broken @TapFall11
Oklahoma? @Coltonlane
I just made a realistic wing shape @destroyerP
Thanks @ThePrototype @RailfanEthan @Awsomur
Yes @tsampoy
I am on android @tsampoy
Every time when I am trying to make prop plane. That's why I don't make prop planes a lot((
The same @tsampoy
This you can make it without painting if you want
@Awsomur @ThePrototype
You can look in my posts and find plane "Forky" this one can go 4000 mph @TapFall11
Thanks @ThePrototype
Ok and np @Lylian
Idk why you had this problem @Rodrigo110 and I fixed your spitz with another method.
Maybe @FlyingManiac
You can't tag people in description
@EpicPigster1 @DJ123
I can try
Np @ThePrototype
Gonna make more soon @Awsomur
Yes @CALVIN232
@Lylian @Rodrigo110
Here is just a bit of nyan cat style, trains, blood, and craziness @destroyerP
5 now
Ok like your trains nobody tells you to do not like them @destroyerP
Ok much better @destroyerP
Do you like the new turret which I putted here?
Oh @destroyerP I asked you the another question.
Dear you like the turret? @destroyerP
It was easy to make @tsampoy I spent like 5 minutes on this, still wondering about those 17 upvotes.
Here you are bronze!
Yeah I also made Su-47 look in my highlighted.
Can you help me with paint later? @phanps
I think R 245, G 173 and B 87 is better @Jengstrom
The lighter one @DisferGoatz
Ohhh! I can't imagine SP without mods!! It was hard i think @Alienbeef0421
I was trying but it was too much problems with power
I am in!
Thanks @jamesPLANESii
:C @DerekSP
Np @FlyingThings
Np @Jukkelus
Maybe this?
Mine can handle DeLorean and I have android.
Here you are bronze
I can too but your plane will be very shaky, laggy, and will be broken @TapFall11
Oklahoma? @Coltonlane
I just made a realistic wing shape @destroyerP
Thanks @ThePrototype @RailfanEthan @Awsomur
Yes @tsampoy
I am on android @tsampoy
Every time when I am trying to make prop plane. That's why I don't make prop planes a lot((
The same @tsampoy
This you can make it without painting if you want
@Awsomur @ThePrototype
You can look in my posts and find plane "Forky" this one can go 4000 mph @TapFall11
Thanks @ThePrototype
Ok and np @Lylian
Idk why you had this problem @Rodrigo110 and I fixed your spitz with another method.
Maybe @FlyingManiac
You can't tag people in description
@EpicPigster1 @DJ123
I can try
Np @ThePrototype
Gonna make more soon @Awsomur
Yes @CALVIN232
@Lylian @Rodrigo110
Here is just a bit of nyan cat style, trains, blood, and craziness @destroyerP
5 now
Ok like your trains nobody tells you to do not like them @destroyerP
Ok much better @destroyerP
Do you like the new turret which I putted here?
Oh @destroyerP I asked you the another question.
Dear you like the turret? @destroyerP