285 andreas0600 Comments

  • cool plane 2.6 years ago

    @WinsWings oh, no i just thought the copit layout was very very cool and good. I struggle to make good copits myself. That's why o took it. I play it in VR in my quest 2. But I must download and build on my phone. The re upload to see it in VR. There is no search function in VR. And good luck scrolling through all the pages of new planes.

  • cool plane 2.6 years ago

    @WinsWings I don't follow, what do you mean?

  • P8-A Poseidon j 2.6 years ago

    @Sense2 sorry that's not my intention. I want to have this plane on my VR headset. And currently there is no way to do that. Without downloading it on my mobile, then re upload it and have it on my profile. I wish I could just add it to my favourite and it would magicicially show up on all my devices.