this is the preview,vtol up and press 1 and speed up to 25%,then you can fly it like a helicopter.press4 and fire the guardians to use dragons.
Few month later i will make the freedom fly like an dragon☆〜(ゝ。∂)( no need for operating) and add the meteor.
@Madelvasallo7 and there is a new version of sf gundam upload by me
@Madelvasallo7 guns and other weapons are only available while targetselected and activate certain button such as 1-7 and gear
@girlsandpanzer 靠你了qvq
@girlsandpanzer 这个应该是近炸的锅,近炸最小单位时间是0.01,10000弹速的最小误差精度就是100,所以才会偏,这也是为什么自瞄有时候很准有时候打不着的原因。题外话,这个近炸时间是算的去尾,换句话太近了弹速又快就直接自爆了。
@Ian_Yashima ok
@Starfrost :D
may I use some of your parts in my work? I will mention your name :D
+2May I use some of your work‘s parts and put it on mine ?I will mention it.
@Pianoman The Strike Freedom Gundam with Meteor is done.
Enjoy and upvote☆〜(ゝ。∂)
this is the preview,vtol up and press 1 and speed up to 25%,then you can fly it like a helicopter.press4 and fire the guardians to use dragons.
Few month later i will make the freedom fly like an dragon☆〜(ゝ。∂)( no need for operating) and add the meteor.
@Pianoman i'm continuing working on it .
soon it will have dragons and a better face.
my iphone 7p can play it very well so do no hesitate ,just login and download it
@Pianoman i want to ask for your permission.
+2i will build the strike freedom based on your freedom.