121k belugasub Comments

  • My evil plans 5.7 years ago

    can your evil plan hurry up please

  • Exact Replica of my House 5.7 years ago

    Daammnnnx that’s like twice as big as mine

  • Q&A cause why not 5.9 years ago

    @metallicplanes On a real life XML modded plane that has infinite fuel which is flying around the earth.

  • Simple MiG-21bis 2.1 years ago

    The mig 21 has always been my favorite aircraft, it's the only plane i fly in DCS and have done so for 3 years. I'm very excited to try this out it looks promising. Especially the simplified cockpit. I can tell it has all the key features, whilst leaving all the stuff that's too much for simple planes. Everything that has been included looks to be in the right place as well. I will comment again once I've flown it.

  • A lot has changed since I left the community, most of the people I know from then have gone entirely inactive. What's new? 2.1 years ago

    I've been gone for around 3 years, just came back as well only a week ago. Idk what's new communitywise but in the game there are cockpit parts which is awesome.

  • gErMaN cOrSaIr 4.1 years ago

    This is the equivalent of posting a ugandan knuckles meme

  • Christmas Campaign Mod Trailer | SimplePlanes 4.2 years ago

    @NumbersNumbersTheMan has literally put me in isolation until I complete the assets

  • Regarding points 4.2 years ago

    actually ill happily take your points so they dont go to waste, cause im a GREEDY MAN

  • Why Is my nametag bronze ? 4.3 years ago

    It's a warning front he mods. Grey is strike 2, yellow is strike 3 and black is about to be banned

  • Sd.Kfz 1946 Grenzarbeiter 4.4 years ago

    When your tank thing is half the height of the door

  • This is getting ridiculous. 4.4 years ago

    Who cares it's fun. I do it all the time but just don't upload them.

  • This is going to sound strange but... 4.5 years ago

    Finally, someone realized what plane it was lmao

  • Downgrade ice base 4.5 years ago

    Totally agree. The snow area is waisted because of the missiles

  • Whopper 4.7 years ago

    @BaconAircraft lmao you got it

  • Bogdan Vs SR is the SP version of Pewds vs T-series: Change my mind 4.8 years ago

    its kinda like that except I dont think either side really cares lol

  • hällœ 4.8 years ago

    Hey man, glad to see people still using my Hällœ lol.

  • VTOL Spitfire 4.8 years ago

    @Davisplanez planes work how we want them to

  • what's going on!?.!? 5.1 years ago

    Yea what @thefalkenreich said, stop throwing a tantrum.

  • Hello 5.2 years ago

    I like your new truck

  • Pray for my PC. 5.3 years ago

    Eat it

  • Wait what?! 5.4 years ago

    why dont you read one of those forums and find out yourself why he was banned instead of adding to the spam.

  • Flight got cancelled, not leaving... 5.5 years ago

    Get Trent back

  • The SPW, with Awsomur [46] 5.5 years ago

    Guys i need the crackers

  • Lander 1 (Interstellar) 5.6 years ago

    Prof. Brand: Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Cooper: Newton's third law. You gotta leave something behind.

    Cooper: We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.

    Romilly: Brand?
    TARS: Step back professor, step back!

    Brand: Cooper you were thinking about getting home! I was trying to do the right thing!
    Cooper: And you tell that to Doyle.

    Romilly: Hey Brand.
    Brand: Yeah?
    Romilly: Bring a lot.

    Doyle: I feel good.

    Doyle: Case, go get her!

    CASE: Cooper, this is no time for caution!

    Cooper: You sent people out there looking for a new home?
    Prof. Brand: The Lazarus missions.
    Cooper: That sounds cheerful.
    Prof. Brand: Lazarus care back from the dead.
    Cooper: Sure, but he had to die in the first place.

    Cooper: I love you forever and I'm coming back.

    Cooper: I know what Morse code is Murph I just don't think your bookshelf is trying to talk to you.

    Cooper: Mankind was born on Earth ... it was never meant to die here.

    Cooper: Come on Tars!

    Prof. Brand: We need the bravest humans to find us a new home.
    Cooper: But the nearest star is over a thousand years away.
    Doyle: Hence the bravery.

    Doyle: Potentially habitable worlds right within our reach.
    Brand: Could save us from extinction.

    Brand: There's the mountains!
    Brand: Towards the mountains!
    Cooper: Those aren't mountains, they're waves.

    Cooper: Everybody ready to say goodbye to our Solar System?
    Romilly: To our galaxy.

    Doyle: You can't just think about your family now. You have to think bigger than that.
    Cooper: I am thinking about my family and millions of other families.

    Cooper: I have kids, professor.
    Prof. Brand: Get out there, and save them.

    Cooper: Dr. Mann there's a 50/50 chance your gonna kill yourself.
    Dr. Mann: Those are the best odds I've had in years.

    Young Murphy: So, how did it go?...
    Cooper: Got you suspended.
    Young Murphy: What?!

    Cooper: I have an itch, heading back to base!

    TARS: Cooper, we are...lined up.
    Cooper: Initiating spin!

    CASE: It's not possible.
    Cooper: No. It's necessary.

    Cooper: Parents are the ghosts of their children's future. I can't be your ghost anymore Murph.

    Cooper: So how do you plan on saving the world?
    Brand: We're not meant to save the world. We're meant to leave it.

    Cooper: We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt.

    Cooper: W

  • Greetings, humans. 5.6 years ago

    Of course, here is a tutorial by Eternal Darkness, but we just call him God around here. link@Being

  • Greetings, humans. 5.6 years ago

    Spaceship is looking pretty good but could do with some custom control surfaces.@Being

  • SimplePlane Meme compilations 5.6 years ago

    Epic memes that I cant see lol

  • What does the SimplePlanes community enjoy doing in their spare time? 5.7 years ago

    Go to my local pond and befriend ducks

  • Do all posts about duccs get upvoted by belugasub 5.8 years ago

    I hear a fellow ducc!

  • #Welcome to Noob Support!!!! 5.8 years ago

    Im a noob, this was very helpful

  • Hi I am new here!! 5.8 years ago

    I think I told you earlier but I’ll say again cause why not,


    Devs are blue
    Mods are red
    Im a goldfish cracker

  • Simple MiG-21bis 2.1 years ago

    I'll keep it brief:
    Exterior: 10/10 has practically all the key components whilst keeping to a simple style. Missile pylons Excellent, it's got slots for what would be 2 r60s on the outer pylons. The Pitot tube shaking is such an excellent detail as well.

    Interior 9/10 all the buttons and dials are in the right place, even the weapons selector which on the real thing is a rotating thing, is in the same spot. The radar is extremely impressive for SP, I'm from the old days of sp so i have no idea how it works, but it dorsnt function exactly as the real one, doesn't matter tho it's close enough and extra awesome. Even small things like jettisoning pylons are in the right spot i can tell a lot of research went into this. if it were made properly detailed it would ruin the point i think this is a PERFECT amount of cockpit stuff.

    Flight model: idk/10. I don't fly other people's creations so i don't really know what the standard is. I've of course never flown a mig 21 lol, but if DCS is accurate, i can say this SP version gets the vibe down but it misses the part where the plane is constantly trying to kill you. I really enjoyed flying it though and it will be one of the few planes i will save and use more than once.

    I genuinely think this is my favorite mig 21, someone made a modern Indian version but the 1970s bis varient is my favourite, i believe you made a su 27 a few weeks ago which i also thought was excellent. Keep it up and tag me on whatever you make next.

  • I have the most followers on this site? 2.1 years ago

    I was literally thinking like 5 mins before this post, who is the most followed person? there is not a simple ranking like there is with points.

  • Kaboom 3.3 years ago

    Don't know what you mean by "never available on mobile" I'm literally using this on my iphone atm. Guys don't listen to the description this mod DOES work on mobile.

  • This is so unfair. Come on guys. 4.1 years ago

    lol it's an understandable mistake

  • NEW SPBC OWNER 4.2 years ago

    Pfft, imagine not being banned from spbc.

  • Discord Chat Issue 4.4 years ago

    This is indeed a big issue

  • immanitatem 4.4 years ago

    @TOHmaster no idea. I can't even run it on my computer

  • I am making an new Alliance called The National Alliance. 4.4 years ago

    My country is the UK can I join

  • He’s free 4.4 years ago

    We will see about that

  • F-15E Strike Eagle 4.4 years ago

    Can I eat you instead

  • I swear to god BLUE0BULL IS DOING IT AGAIN 4.4 years ago

    @SuperRoto he just got a nip of my toe, im hiding from him now

  • A reminder that I still exist and build...[Teaser] 4.5 years ago

    trust me we dont need a reminder to know you still exist

  • Simpleplanes fuel consumption 4.5 years ago

    wow! very informative and helpful! thanks! I will be using this on my next project!

  • What country do you live in? 4.5 years ago

    All of them

  • 1234 Part Challenge 4.6 years ago

    hot hot hot

  • Strucker Out - For Now 4.6 years ago


  • Whopper 4.7 years ago

    @BaconAircraft ;)

  • Toxic in simpleplanes 4.9 years ago

    Unfortunately the post was against the rules. But the way that the person your referring to acted was completely over the top I agree.
