@XAircraftManufacturer it’s actually a really good plane in my opinion. It’s just still built around the “block” scale so it seems somewhat amateur. @Maldivian001’s one is brilliant though.
@POLENTA probably not at this present moment. I’m taking a small break from SP but will stay semi-active. A real shame you missed it. If you would like, make a successor to this challenge anyway and I will upvote it as a late entry.
@XAircraftManufacturer @Northsoutheastthrop @airlinerbuilder just shape your primary wing and then create that shape out of fuselage pieces just above it. When it’s the correct shape simply move it down and onto the wing
Wow this is awesome! Just like a BAe 146
+3@Sarnnox @jborra @Pita
+2Can’t wait to try the beta out...
+2I'm in
+2Yeah that would definitely be cool! @AWESOMENESS360
+2You thought the empire was dead...
+2@Sarnnox That’s epic! Look forward to seeing it
+2@XAircraftManufacturer it’s actually a really good plane in my opinion. It’s just still built around the “block” scale so it seems somewhat amateur. @Maldivian001’s one is brilliant though.
+2@bored_boi that's not very nice. I think it looks brilliant
+2@AinoerAerospaceInc you're right!
+2Hey your aircraft are pretty neat. Only just discovered you today! Brilliant stuff!
+2It was fun designing this with you 😁
+2Brilliant I was looking for something like this
+2Just like War Thunder...
+2@AircraftoftheRedStar, @ProjectTank, and @Mustang51. I have delayed the due date by a week for you. Can't wait to see your entries!
+2This is impressive work for a newer simplebuilder!!! Keep up the good work!
+2This is massive - would dwarf the TU-144 and Concorde lol 😂
+2This is quite simply brilliant
+1Nice to see the body of this plane being used!
+1@BassemT90 thanks. I haven’t played SP in quite a few months now but if I get back on I’ll try to do more liveries
+1@Yeet1234 wow thank you so much!!! Congrats to everyone too!
+1@WingworksDesignCo well done! 10/10 from me!
+1Once again your F1 cars are best of the lot!
+1@Yeet1234 can we see the results pls?
+1Awesome! I’ll give it an upvote
+1@Alta2809 yes I made sure I didn’t upvote any forums this time lol that would be annoying
+1challenge upvote 15
+1@POLENTA probably not at this present moment. I’m taking a small break from SP but will stay semi-active. A real shame you missed it. If you would like, make a successor to this challenge anyway and I will upvote it as a late entry.
+1@PapaKernels sounds good. I’m taking a small break from SP so will only be semi-active but I’ll make sure I build some more soon
+1@Alta2809 yes that’s a good idea. I’ll keep a note how many I owe you
+1Looks good mate!
+1@Alta2809 that’s absolutely fine. Results should be in the next few days. Happy skies
+1@Alta2809 wow that sounds awesome! Make sure it has some eyes...
+1@Alta2809 alright I’ll wait for you
+1@Alta2809 alright I won’t finish the challenge until you’ve entered then
+1@Cabbage17 sorry I’ve been a bit busy. If I start now I probably won’t get it finished. Thanks for letting me know tho
+1@Yeet1234 perfect
+1@Yeet1234 when do we see the results?
+1@Alta2809 sure thing mate. Look forward to seeing it
+1@AircraftoftheRedStar :D
+1@XAircraftManufacturer oh lol was wondering what you were meaning there! Honestly SP on a computer is much better and easier
+1@Hira629 thanks a lot!
+1@XAircraftManufacturer @Northsoutheastthrop @airlinerbuilder just shape your primary wing and then create that shape out of fuselage pieces just above it. When it’s the correct shape simply move it down and onto the wing
+1@Kfineran this is a great plane! Much better than my first airliners!
+1Wow this is amazing!
+1This is very good! You should be proud
+1This is very good! I’ll help spread the word
+1I can tell that there was a lot of hard work put into this