120 captainramius Comments

  • Gavril D15 [Frame] (Beam.ng Drive) 5.3 years ago

    Dude! I freakin’ love this thing! I play Beam.NG nearly every day. I may take this thing and turn it into a 1980 Chevy k5 or k10. Can’t decide between the blazer or the truck tho.

  • Imperator Bavarium Tank (Falco Maxime Paint) 5.3 years ago

    @Pickles044 Thanks so much! Also, I have been experimenting a bit with realistic offroad suspension, but it is still a bit funky. Got any ideas for making a good suspension set?

  • Imperator Bavarium Tank (Falco Maxime Paint) 5.4 years ago

    I absolutely love all of your JC3 vehicles! They’re wonderful drive. I would love to see an Urga Szturm 63A! It’s my favorite car to drive in JC3.

  • Thunderbirds F-16C Fighting Falcon 8.5 years ago

    I got a few pictures of three in formation. My machine couldn't handle five of them smoothly. here is the link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972820083/screenshots