240 cccp30 Comments

  • Arsenal Bird 4 months ago

    This might be the first large aircraft that doesnt destroy my mobile iv ever tried, nice job

  • AC-130H [Fixed]v2 carrier landing 4.2 years ago

    @Baldovino my first thought abt transferring crafts to another device is you have to put it here first then download it
    im sorry if it caused some trouble

  • AC-130H [Fixed]v2 carrier landing 4.2 years ago

    @Baldovino i got it now, thank you

  • 40 part Drifting Tiger P 4.9 years ago

    One of the greatest tanks I've ever drifted, What a wonderful creation this is

    I tweaked it a bit to 1500hp going at 90+ while playing Eurobeat, its amazing

  • AC-130H [Fixed]v2 carrier landing 4.2 years ago

    @Baldovino this folder can be transferred to any device without issues?

  • AC-130H [Fixed]v2 carrier landing 4.2 years ago

    im sorry if this caused you some distress
    im just making backups for the customizations that i did on some aircrafts

    i did not intend to make this account for gaining popularity whatsoever
    im just a casual player that likes to experiment on existing crafts at my free time
    i hope you will understand

    @Baldovino @MemeLordMASTERMEMES

  • 40 part Drifting Tiger P 4.9 years ago

    @DuceAnchovy If you want a suggestion for a tank, may I suggest the British Crusader commanded by St. Gloriana's Rosehip.