182 ciresiuol Comments

  • Push Plane Challenge!!! 9.1 years ago

    I'm in... If it's not too late... Upvoted too... Here

  • My First Push Plane *FIXED* 9.1 years ago

    Just realized that we're probably using different game settings. Everything on mine is set to lowest, even the physics... Could be something to do with it...

  • My First Push Plane *FIXED* 9.1 years ago

    If it is my game, it's an issue with the landing gear, cuz I fixed it... Just uploaded the fix... Flies level now... I think it was because of the gear clipping through the fuselages and wings... Idk... But it works now... Thanks again...

  • My First Push Plane *FIXED* 9.1 years ago

    Are you 100% sure it's fixed? And if so, can you download my original again and test it before you mirror and let me know if it works... I really kinda think it's my game for some reason... But really hoping it's not...lol

  • My First Push Plane *FIXED* 9.1 years ago

    Well... I must be experiencing a bug that you're not...lol... It's still rolling left...

  • My First Push Plane *FIXED* 9.1 years ago

    Hmm... I've mirrored it from both sides and it still rolled... I'll download and try it, though...lol... Thanks.

  • FSW - Far Glide Challenge 9.1 years ago

    I tested twice. Once launching your way, and once from my updated launch point. The first (your way) got 38k blocks, and my test got 41862.

  • oh my loard 9.1 years ago

    Nice. Finished testing, and as of now (keep in mind that there's no competition yet that actually counts), you're in the lead. Check the description of my challenge for your score.

  • 6000 mph boat must try 9.1 years ago

    Just wondering, did you change anything at all? I can't spot a difference.

  • Top Fuel v2 9.1 years ago

    Gives a little over 900k fuel. Could max it, but really, this is more than enough already. Only difference between this and v1 is that I modified everything myself and it uses fuselage blocks instead of fuel tanks.

  • Racing Boat 225mph 9.1 years ago

    In case anybody's wondering, it has wheels and can drive on land, but don't go full throttle until you are in water. You can somewhat safely go around 100mph on land before it spins.